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(Player Event) Cretur Featur! (Friday April 20th, 7pm PST)


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

*parchment posters are pinned up at West Britain Bank and Moonglow Bank*



as is known, I have lost my cretur. at first i think it ran away of its own acord, but now i think IS STOLEN.

if you want to help me find my cretur, i will be sending out a serch party from Moonglow Bank on friday, aprel 20, at 7pm (PST). is next friday. i cannot ofer huge rewards on account of i spent all of my money on baked goods, but i can offer a small reward of five thousand gold peeces per person and also you can pat the cretur once i have it back.

thank you so in advance.




Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh God, I'm so sorry. My hot water system has just exploded and my apartment is flooded, I'm waiting for the plumber, I don't know how long it will take. The event's postponed. I'm so sorry.

Edit: Sorry for that minor meltdown. I live alone and have never dealt with this sort of thing before! (Also I was on Stratics when it happened so y'all were my first point of contact.) Anyway, I've had a major hot water system breakage, my apartment is ankle-deep in water, my carpet is destroyed, but I managed to save all my appliances and my musical instruments so it's okay and I'm okay. I'm currently waiting for the emergency plumber to contact me. The event might still go ahead today if they're quick, but I don't have high hopes, so watch this space for a rescheduling.

Edit 2: The event is still on at 7pm PST.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thank you so to all who came tonite!!! i love you all!

plese stay posted for the next thing if you stil want to help me :] i am not game to try resurecting this thing by myself



(OOC: THANK YOU FOR COMING! I am so, so sorry about all the chaos. I had to squeeze set-up and planning into the five minutes or so between hysterical plumber calls. The next event will run much smoother! And a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to Amber Witch, my accomplice, without whom this event would have been a total incomprehensible disaster.)