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Crazy way to get a Mempo


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here I was training my lesser hiryu in the waste lands of Tok and figuring I would get a few minor artis at the same time. Like the sloooowest way to get these things but what the heck the animal is doing all the work. All of a sudden I loose the internet connection and I cant get back in and I had two minor arties in thier and even though its a fairly safe area I figured with my luck my pet was dead, I was dead and lost the the others uninsured items in my pack. After about an hour of not getting in I call my son at home and ask him to log in and send my character back to my house and log him out. Fortunately he and the pet were still alive.

I was able to finally get get back into the game and low and behold I found a mempo in my back pack, I just had to laugh. Funny game!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here I was training my lesser hiryu in the waste lands of Tok and figuring I would get a few minor artis at the same time. Like the sloooowest way to get these things but what the heck the animal is doing all the work. All of a sudden I loose the internet connection and I cant get back in and I had two minor arties in thier and even though its a fairly safe area I figured with my luck my pet was dead, I was dead and lost the the others uninsured items in my pack. After about an hour of not getting in I call my son at home and ask him to log in and send my character back to my house and log him out. Fortunately he and the pet were still alive.

I was able to finally get get back into the game and low and behold I found a mempo in my back pack, I just had to laugh. Funny game!
A story with a happy ending :thumbup:

Although i bet those with 400+ drops and no mempo are cursing you :fight:

wee papa smurf

That kinda happened to me except it was a chaos blue dye i found in my pack when i ressed up :D


bah, you can't even turn in the Mempo for a TOT major as the Imperial Minster won't accept it. I'd rather have another Black Lotus Hood or one more pair of Gloves of the Sun - they are more original and innocent. They fill up my secures pretty fast too.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
bah, you can't even turn in the Mempo for a TOT major as the Imperial Minster won't accept it. I'd rather have another Black Lotus Hood or one more pair of Gloves of the Sun - they are more original and innocent. They fill up my secures pretty fast too.
I'd give you 10 minors for that silly Mempo anyday.


They should have made the mempo a new major for turning in ten minors.

King Durango

That kinda happened to me except it was a chaos blue dye i found in my pack when i ressed up :D
Are some of those new minor dyes more uncommon than others? Out of my meager 25 or so drops I've received 1 fresh peach, 2 noble gold, 2 pale orange, 2 deep brown, 1 burnt brown and 1 plain bleach. Are those like the most common ones or something?


Are some of those new minor dyes more uncommon than others? Out of my meager 25 or so drops I've received 1 fresh peach, 2 noble gold, 2 pale orange, 2 deep brown, 1 burnt brown and 1 plain bleach. Are those like the most common ones or something?
The are common/uncommon on a per person basis. Some people get more of one dye than another. But as with anything else, some dyes are going to be valued more than others. Chaos blue (as far as it has been discussed on stratics so far) is the most valued color of all the dyes so getting one means you got the one worth the most, Of course what one person likes will not be the same as another so they could all be worth the same price, if you find the right person.