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(Player Event) Crafting Night in Yew 7/13 at 8:30pm

Jordan Thyme

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
*posted in front of the Abbey and at all banks around the realm*

On the eve of July 13th, at 8:30 in the evening there will be a crafting fair at the center of Town in Yew. Free repair deeds and repairs will be done/given at this time to all who show up requesting such. Additionally there will be a party led on a mining excursion. Gargoyle pickaxes will be used and thus voluntary guards will be needed to help kill the elementals that appear!!!

For questions, comments, or concerns: Please see Gillian Gryphon.


Stratics Veteran
I enjoyed the visit to your Crafting Night.I had to go to work, or I would have stayed much longer.