I honestly dont know why people are complaining over the properties on magic jewels...like any crafted item you have the possibility of 5 properties all at max intensity from crafting an item without the use of a runic tool.
Not worth it? 40 dmg increase 10 hci 7 dex 8 poison on a ring not worth it? how about 5 ssi 1/3 9 hci ring? For bracelets how about a 1/3 with 2 MR 10 def?
If you are having problems crafting magic jewels did you consider that perhaps your talisman is junk? Are you even using a tally WITH 25/25+ bonus?
Don't cry nerf just because the RNG is kicking you in the teeth...all of us players are affected by this loved to be hated factor. Go dig up 10 more gems and try again!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Make sure you read before posting with ignorance...
I used a +25 skill talisman with gm tinkering and burned through TONS of gems around 25m in resources and never got half of that money back in value of jewelry that I made not even close. The best I got was the ring I mentioned above.
You only get those insane pieces after you have burned through 30m+ worth of gems and none of those pieces are worth 30m+ when you can loot better stuff from boss monsters in doom with a luck suit on.
The luck bump to looted jewelry provides better stuff faster and at almost no cost.
The only bonus to crafting is the different mods you cannot get from a drop such as 2MR on a bracelet up to 40DI 2HP regen or the SSI. But those mods still come at a price your losing something else on the piece to have them so is it really so uber?
We are saying the problem is that 99% of the things you do make from all those gems you toss in the trash because they aren't usable at all not because they aren't stacked to the sky with mods.
We want something actually worth keeping between the insane pieces so we can at least make back a portion of the cost just like you can with anything else you craft.
I think they should make the gems something you use to enhance an existing piece to add a special property with a decent chance to break what you are enhancing