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[Fishing] crabs? lobsters?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Hi, I am new to the expansion and did my first couple of fishing quests yesterday (I guess I am pretty lucky cause I got a 105 PS off the 7th quest I completed).
My question is - and sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere:
are there any types of fish or crabs/lobsters that will never be part of an order and can be cut up or used in another way?

Normal crabs and lobsters f.e. dont seem to be needed for the quests. Do they have any other use I dont know about? Cant be cut up, but maybe for cooking? Or are they ingredients for something I dont know about? Or can I simply dump them?



Lore Keeper
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All of the named crabs/lobsters and all the fish are used for quests, except for the rare ones which are used for fish pies. Normal crabs and lobsters don't have a use at the moment but I seem to remember reading somewhere that they might be added to the community collections and/or given a use in cooking.


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That was said in the last week or so by Devs. Hopefully, it will be sooner, than later...


Just to double check does this mean we can not sell them any where at the moment?