On Level 1, it's basically set up as a strange and hopefully entertaining ecosystem.
The Dazzled Harpies flee from the Vampire Mongbats, but they're also attracted to gemstones. If you drop a gemstone near a Dazzled Harpy, it will come over and pick it up, then become hypnotized by it for a short while.
The Vampire Mongbats are too slow to catch the Harpies and prefer not to fight for their food, so they've learned the art of hiding (but not stealth, at least yet). Also, they've learned how to exploit the Harpies' bird-brained love of shiny things.
The Headless Miners and Strange Gazers are leftover vestiges of an unethical necromancer's mining operation, but said miner hasn't been seen since Cora and Vela passed through not too long ago...