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  • Thread starter Salya Sin
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Salya Sin

Still have some time left... but figured I'd ask... does anyone have a Shadow Wyrm costume they don't want 15 mil for? Seriously...

I have a Dream Wraith I can trade for it... and sooo many of the others its just sad. Someone in Luna had sold 4 of them before I got there... how they got 4 you ask? RNG loves them... :sad3:

I just want one... ONE... lol.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 2 Shadow Wyrm costumes and no Dream Wraith costume. Sounds like a match made in heaven?

I won't be able to log on till later this evening, probably about 8:00 Pac. If your interestd I'll swap ya ;)


Lady Mana


I'll give you x-amount of skeletons for it. Hahaha. Yeah, the RNG doesn't like me. *sad face*


got one, and i will toss in the other skele costume i have both for 3 mil if you want em... i got the shadow worm costume first shot... take ken up on his offer, otherwise i am currently outside luna beating a golem to death

Salya Sin

Ken.. I sent you a PM... sorry for the late response.

Thanks Draz... if the trade doesn't work out... I'll look for ya!