a blue wisp: Again, 'you' of this plane attempt to make use of a simple invocation of magical energy.
a blue wisp: By what name do 'you' wish to be addressed at this time?
a blue wisp: Very well, 'NAME.' Do you have memory of previous discussions with 'myself?'
Me: yes
a blue wisp: Good. Tedious repetition should then be unnecessary on this occasion.
a blue wisp: Do 'you' wish to exchange information?
Me: Yes
a blue wisp: 'I' will wait while 'you' supply a reasonably dense source of information.
Me: tried to had it a journal......would not take it.
a blue wisp: When 'you' have prepared information of interest contact 'me' again.
a blue wisp: In accordance with 'your' custom: Goodbye, 'NAME."
This was the converstation with the wisp the first time
Let me add for those who don't know, the FIRST time this converstation took place was long ago..here is the original text.
-"So be it. 'I' must often repeat information when conversing with the life of Britannia, it seems. 'I' do not see how each unit of life here can have different memories, different desires, but again 'I' inform Britannia that it is not so in 'my' realm.
Those which you know as 'Wisps' are projections of life of Xorinia. 'I' extend into many places besides this one. Britannia communicates with 'me' very seldom and is known by those of very few other planes.
Everytime 'I' speak with Britannia, it seems 'I' must explain 'my' nature again. This is very strange.
Job -
Xorinia serves as a conduit for information between different planes. In exchange, the planes provide information that can be used to improve Xorinia. Occasionally payment is accepted in the form of substance, but this is not preferred.
Information -
Britannia has never participated in an interplanar exchange of information. 'I' have presented a sample known in Britannian terms as a 'secret' but no further interest has been shown.
: Secret -
*wisp gives character a scroll with Corp Bet Mani spell (Armageddon)*
Armageddon -
Yes, Yes, and Armageddon Spell. It is not very powerful, as it only affects the plane in which it is invoked. If 'you' present a reasonably dense information source to a 'Wisp' unit, arrangements will be made to transfer some suitably valuable commodity into Britannian possession.
- "Again 'you' on this plane addreass 'I' of the Xorinite dimension. By what name do 'you' wish to be addressed this time?"
- Very well, 'Avatar' Do 'you' have memory of a previous discussion with 'me'?
and you give it a book.. any book as far as I know
- The volume 'you' bear is a prime source of high-density information. Do 'you' wish 'me' to locate a client who is willing to make an exchange for it at this time?
[: Yes
- Very well. Rklbwm have expressed a desire for this information and have agreed to the terms asked.