Use inscription, but not through the Scribe's Pen menu. In your skill list (Alt-K is the default) there is a little blue button next to Inscription. Drag it off the menu to the left or right to get the silver button (if you do not pull off the button, the skill list will close making it a pain to copy multiple books). Double click the silver button, target the original book, then target the blank book. Your success at doing this depends on your Inscription skill. This is an easy way to raise your skill to 30, that does not cost any gold for resources. The human JOAT bonus will be more than enough for copying of books.
If my memory serves me well, this might not work if you are copying the pre-written books into blank ones. I just tried it on a book bought from a provisioner Dimensional Travel, A Monograph and it did not work. it gave me the message "cannot copy an empty book". If you are trying to collect books like that one, there are other ways to do so. You can get some browse some of the less NPC populated area and steal them from the shelves. Try to boost your stealing skill by buying it up and using +Stealing items. Don't carry too much, because you will most likely get caught and gaurd whacked (and you don't need to waste insurance money on these little books).
Stayin Alive,