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Control Slot Question


Hi. I'm new to taming. I have trained a couple of pets to max of their regular staring skills and stats but yet to have a pet go all the way to 100% in the new percent trained thingy, taking long time, because none of my pets can handle big stuff. And was wondering if I have a pet that has is one control slot right now. And when I lore it, it says 1>3, does this mean that when I train it up to 100% it will be a 3 slot? Or do I have to train it another 100% first? Or does it depend on what points I use and number of skills once I take them.

Also, which pets are worth training? I currently have a Cu, two unicorns, a windrunner, a couple different kinds of boras and a gammon. My windrunner is the most trained at about 30%, is it worth taking him all the way to 100? Will he still be one slot, or two, or three?

Thanks :)


Lore Master
If the pet shows 1->3, then 3 is the maximum number of slots you can train it to. You first train it to a 2 slot, then you have to click the training button again to train it from 2 to 3 slots.

Cu's are very good. Unicorns can also become very strong (I have 2 of them). Lesser Hiryu's are great as well, they go 1->5 slot so they are very customizable and fairly easy to tame. Giant beetles and fire beetles are also quite popular and go 1->5 slot.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depending on what your taming skill is at, you can use another pet to attack first and take the damage, then set your 1 slot pet on it to gain. Before that, you can get them to GM skill level for wrestling and tactics. That makes it much easier for them to hit and then gain training points. I've used a Cu for this and gained off of Swoop. It's a pretty safe area, unless a changling wanders down or you have negative karma.

If you can't tame a Cu, maybe ask someone to fight against the Crazy Mage and level it there. That would take your pet all the way to 100% and be the fastest way, as well.

Make sure it's bonded first, whatever you decide.

Windrunner would be worth taking to 3 slot IF you don't want to have it on a non tamer char. You can use the help menu to port yourself over to the test system and use the advancement gates east of West Brit Bank to test your build ideas. If it were me, I would still GM your melee skills first, to give a more accurate reflection of how the final pet will be. Then go do a few test kills on Test Center. If you mess up on test, you can just delete the char off and re-port it over in about a day.


I'm interested in getting a hiru, at least a lesser but I'm scared. I always have bad experiences in Tonoku, I heard Hirus are very fast. I have peace, but that doesn't always work well because they get angry during taming and break out of peace. I could put a para field down, but I heard that really lowers the pets stats. I know not to disco either.

And yes, I went to my server's new Magenta but they didn't have any hirus for sale at least not for reasonable price. Maybe I'll go in global chat today and ask for help with one.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I take a pet to kill them until a color shows up, When I find one I want, I beat it down to near death so it moves slow. Then mark a rune and come back without a pet and tame it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm interested in getting a hiru, at least a lesser but I'm scared. I always have bad experiences in Tonoku, I heard Hirus are very fast. I have peace, but that doesn't always work well because they get angry during taming and break out of peace. I could put a para field down, but I heard that really lowers the pets stats. I know not to disco either.

And yes, I went to my server's new Magenta but they didn't have any hirus for sale at least not for reasonable price. Maybe I'll go in global chat today and ask for help with one.
Mind saying which Shard? Maybe someone has one that they are getting ready to kick out of their stables to make room. You might get a more rare color that way. If it's Pacific, I'll go with to help against ninja attacks. If you beat them down to almost dead, they are easier to tame with lead taming.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, I guess that could work.
There is a tamer and a pet user.

We could have a really big discussion :fight: over what is the best taming method.

You are in tamer mode. Get out there and learn how to do it in a way that fits your toon skills, your coordination, your computer speed, and your key speed.

Get that Hiryu!


Ok, thanks buys. BTW I'm on Legends. Just did the Human to Elf quest because I like the extra mana and auto night sight.

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Hiya Alkaseltzer! We hope you are enjoying the tamer path of life! (And manage to steer clear from exploding mushrooms lol.) :) Your training progress is slow since you have had the wrong foes, to us it seems the hp of the mob is decisive for the quality of training gains. And since gains for training % seem to come quicker on the pet receiving the hits, we prefer to train our low level pets against either the Renowned Ratmen Bosses in the Cavern of the Discarded, or on a Wrong Cave Troll. Each of those give greatly gains (during power hour), yet do caress more than hit, so good to get that first level done. Although Vitavi has some damage spikes with Spell Plague which can get tricky, and another thing to be careful with is others luring a horde of Courtiers that make your healing challenging. Rakktavi seems to spawn those nasty scorpions, so also not ideal when training a 1 slot pet. Needing a cure at the wrong time can be deadly. But Tikitavi seems to have all going for him as ideal low-level-pet trainer. He doesn't use his magery, and hits weakly. Sure, it takes a bit of effort to spawn him(/them), but that is also good for skill training usually, with the henchmen also having quite a lot of HP.