Our EMs, Tashik and Helios, have grown weary of the current design of our Reward House located in Malas and have decided that the talented designers of Legends should try their hand at a new look for it.
If you aren’t familiar with it, please go to the Counselor Hall in Brit and jump into the vortex located there to have a look. Your design can incorporate anything currently available on the housing menu and should ideally leave ample room for display of the rewards and artifacts (along with room for growth!).
I know there are lots of really talented people on Legends as I spend a good deal of time roaming the lands admiring (and sometimes breaking into!) the homes that have been created here. It’s time for you all to shine and submit an idea for a new Rewards House!
You may be hesitant about destroying your current house to work on this so you should know that there is lots of room to set a plot down on Test Center. Creating a house there in no way affects your home here on Legends. You will still see that annoying warning gump about condemning your current house, but it does not do that! Also on TC you will receive ample funds when you log in to create just about anything you could think of!
This contest will end on May 15th, so be sure to submit your entries early! Entries should be emailed to [email protected]
You may also post your entries here if you like……. for myself, I probably will post here, but not until the last moment