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Considering Returning

Jamace VIII

Stratics Veteran
Hi All,

it's been around 7 or so years.

Jamace VIII, does that ring a bell?

I owned a castle, tower, and some smaller plots in the mainland Skara Brae area (Trammel). I let them decay. I'm sure whoever was there to loot everything had a field day with all my rares lol.

I played UO from the start but left around the time when SWG started.

I was in the guild, The Dark Wardens (tDw) and branched off to be one of the founders of The Adeptus Astaries (TAA). From what I have read a long time ago, they allied with MT? Not sure on the details.

Anyway, i reactivated my account and am using the 14 day trial at the moment. If there are any of the old crew running around still, get hold of me. I could use a mentor to get going again. most likely will have nothing left.

I prefer using a voip like Teamspeak.

As far as being a player, I recall being quite aggressive and was completely into PVP but i'm older and my reflexes not as good. Besides, I won't be used to the any of the ingame controls at all. it will probably take me a while just to learn how to do the basic commands.

Well, the game is almost finished installing so i'm about to go in for the first time in years. I hope I see some people in there.

I wouldn't mind joining a guild that uses Voip and possibly can get me in touch with some of the old guard.


jamace V III

PS- don't even ask what templates I have. I forgot lol.

War Wizard

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well Jamace the game has change ALOT. you will need armor gear and weapons. your templates will be out of date. Oh and by the way we ran together a little too. I help out in tDw and TAA. I was in the war branches of the guilds.. I nolonger PvP and purely RP/PVM. I only recognize your name becuase it still remains on my ICQ list. All on Baja are willing to give and help to returning players. Use Gen Chat in-game.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome again!

If you need anything, be sure to ask over general chat. It's nifty.