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Considering rejoining...where is everyone?

  • Thread starter Lord Pepperwinkles
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lord Pepperwinkles

Its been a while since I've played, probably about 2 years or so, so I made a trial account to poke around and see whats new.

I'm considering reactivating my old account but...where exactly is the player population?, is there a new hangout I'm not aware of?, specific times people are mainly on?, etc?.

Last I played people hung out at the YMCA in Yew, or bank in Britannia, or Moonglow. I'm not really seeing much of anything - Granted I'm sure the player population has thinned a little in favor of newer games, but is there somewhere in particular I should go to socially interact with other players in game?

Thanks :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
hehe, if you where hanging out at the brit bank and at the YMCA then youve been gone a little more then 2 years my friend!

Luna Mint is the place most people hang out at.

but i dont think most people hang out like they did in the old days.
try the general chat, move over from the help room to the general room, then say hi, usually some people in there slumming.