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Considering leaving what is fair for these items. *DELETED*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What shard are you on?

Well the event items sticky tells around 140-160 mils for the shroud of deciet

Dbl blessed black sandals, max 4 mils each.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I would say the 50 mil is worth approximately 50 mil

[/ QUOTE ]

That´s what I first thought too!

But I guess he means the $ value of gold per mil.
I think you can sell it easyly for 1.5-1.8 mils. But as allways, that´s depending on the shard.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Black sandals can fetch up to 10 million per pair, on Great Lakes, I pawned a pair for 6 million without even spamming (stupid barbed kit addiction..).


Shroud of Deceit - 75-100 - was duped heavily

Icy Flame - 40-60

Blaze Cu - 150-250

6 Ethys all 3rd year. - 1.5-2.5

2 Pairs double blessed black sandles. 2-4

50 Million Gold. - I've seen gold as low as 1$ per but infrequently, generally its about 1.50 per these days

Any 2 unchosen vet rewards. - depends on what year your account is.



What shard are you on?

Well the event items sticky tells around 140-160 mils for the shroud of deciet

Dbl blessed black sandals, max 4 mils each.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shroud of Deceit is one of those massively duped items. Realistic number would more likely be 80-100m


oh you asked for cash value too hehe, the standard non broker rate on most shards seems to be about 1.5$/mil, with rates ranging upwards from there up to about 2$/mil


LOL crazy manti. I was talking good ole american moola. So im guessing from the replys so far between 350 and 500 dollars for the whole kit and kaboodle? The acct is 8 years old. Im on napa but I have a transfer token sitting in my bank too. I got alot of crap but too much to list. couple aggy hammers tons high end smithy bods like 20 ex aggy plate smalls and such, but since the forum is rares i just figured id ask about the big ticket items.



Im on napa but I have a transfer token sitting in my bank too. I got alot of crap but too much to list.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well since I'm returning back to napa, if you wanna dump any of your junk my way you can.

But seriously if I had the moola I'd buy it all from you, but home renovation (master bedroom) tapped me out. *sigh*




Im on napa ... I got alot of crap but too much to list. couple aggy hammers tons high end smithy bods like 20 ex aggy plate smalls

[/ QUOTE ]



The rest I will drop at the bank.

[/ QUOTE ]


Me waiting at the bank for the smithy stuff.



Shroud of Deceit - 112.50$ - 150$ or 150$ - 200$

Icy Flame - 60$ - 90$ or 80$-120$

Blaze Cu - 225$ - 375% or 300$ - 500$

6 Ethys all 3rd year. - 2.25$-3.75$ or 3$-5$

2 Pairs double blessed black sandles - 3$-6$ or 4$-8$

50 Million Gold. - 75$-100$

Any 2 unchosen vet rewards. - statue maker/weapon engravement tool
4-7m each - 6$ - 10.50$ or 8$ - 14$
These two would be the most expensive you could claim at 8 years.

501$ Minimum price to 994$ Maximum

This is assuming you use the prices I quoted, with a minimum being based off a gold conversion rate of 1.50/mil, and the maximum off a conversion of 2.00/mil


Thx DVI and everyone else who helped me get some prices. I will let everyone know who has PM'd me in a couple days if im cashing in, so if anyone else is interested please PM me. Thank you