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Connection issues?


Crazed Zealot
If you can add a few more details, it might help.
Do you get to see the list of servers, or you cannot log in at all? Does the log-in page come up at all? etc..


As soon as I hit login button it , i get a network error box and within it says connection lost......gonna try rebooting my pc and see what happens.


I can connect all over the internet except UO........I wrote to support, got a reply of it being sent to the bug department.


Crazed Zealot
I can connect all over the internet except UO........I wrote to support, got a reply of it being sent to the bug department.
You may or may not get a response from tech support/bug dept.
Yep try reboot.
Then try to update by checking the "deep update" little square bottom of the log in page, if you get there.
Then try disabling the Antivirus for 15 minutes and try to log in again.
Is this after a recent patch also? When is the last time it worked?


You may or may not get a response from tech support/bug dept.
Yep try reboot.
Then try to update by checking the "deep update" little square bottom of the log in page, if you get there.
Then try disabling the Antivirus for 15 minutes and try to log in again.
Is this after a recent patch also? When is the last time it worked?
worked the night before last....... i am going to see if the classic client works too........seems it's just enhanced client giving me issues.......


it worked.......thank you very much. I learned I need to open from the desktop icon from here on out, and not the taskbar thingy.


Crazed Zealot
Interesting how the task bar shortcut would fail. It must have been directing to a past version of patch somehow. Good job solving this! Something to learn every day!