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(RP) Confessions of a Mage - Chapter 4 - A show of force


Stratics Veteran
Concubine and Wench had been playing jokes upon the poor Inez the Barkeep for the last week. Inez was begining to question her service in Castle Fig, but nothing unsual happened in the keep since the announcement of the leaders of Britainnia. People came and went through the keep and Inez continued her duties as instructed, "Serve them all, but no questions."

But this day was different. The entire staff of Castle Fig had gathered in the dining hall, as if waiting for somethimg to happen.

Concubine did her best to contain herself but was unsuccessfull.

As she let out a slight giggle. The hooded man turned his gaze upon the crafter, with eyes that would kill the strongest dragon. Her chuckle died down as she realized the seriousness of the moment.

The Hall grew quiet as the ancient entered the dining hall. He slowly entered the hall and took the seat at the head of table. He looked over his childern, which he had gathered. His gaze fell upon Concubine. She felt his gaze fall upon her. She knew she could not hold out any longer.

"I have the key M'lord." Concubine shouted, holding up a ship key for all to see.

"You mean it is done?", the old man asked.

"Just gate that key, M'lord, and you will understand.", Concubine replied, as she tossed the golden key accross the table.

The key skittered across the table, resting in front of the old man. Concubine stifled a chuckle as Fig picked up the key.

"This is the key yes? I take it your mission is accomplished?", The ancient asked in ernest.

"To trust the children of Fig. To make the call." the words fell from the gargoyles lips as if it were the words of doom.

"Very Well. Concubine and Wench accompany me. The rest prepare for the end." the old man said.

He waved his hand over the key and the magical gate appeared around the old man, who was muttering some arcane words over the key.

"Show me.", The old man said.

"So be it." Concubine said, as Wench entered the gate. Concubine followed right after the gargoyle, and vanished.

"So be it, my child." Fig uttered, as he stepped through the gate.

The old man found himself in a small rowboat with Wench and Concubine floating in the open water, just east of the sea market.

"This is what you wanted to show me?", the old man shouted, as his gaze searched the horizon.

"Patience, m'lord. Not all is as it seems.". Concubine said, as she gestered toward the east.

Fig fell to his knees as he sighted a fleet of Gargoyle ships approaching his position. He gathered himself as the lead ship approched their position and lowered a rowboat for the three to board the flagship.

Fig looked deeply into Concubine's eyes. "You had this planned all along, didn't you?"

"I am a child of Fig. Would I do anything less, M'Lord.", she replied.

The old man considered her words and yelled, "SET SAIL FOR NEW MAGINICA!".

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