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[Discussion] Concerning loot from a IDOC


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a water tile... this house contained ALOT of water tiles.. ones that weight alot are in one bag.. could someone give me everything you know about this please.. history... is it illegal.. would a account get banned for holding onto these?


Water tiles are illegal. I recommend you throw them in the trash or live with the possibility that your account might be banned at anytime.

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a water tile... this house contained ALOT of water tiles.. ones that weight alot are in one bag.. could someone give me everything you know about this please.. history... is it illegal.. would a account get banned for holding onto these?

a lot of water tiles? my God, you just won the lotto on UO. underground rare collectors (incuding myself) will pay way too much for them. they have more uses than you can think of ;)

if iterested in selling... PM me please!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty sure they are illegal.
Here is the reference page:

As you can see water tile is on the list of illegal items. (ignore the faction colored items, they changed that a few years ago)
Do note that this list isn't final or complete. In fact there currently is no accurate list of which items are illegal. In fact, I've had a fews rows with GMs when they refused to delete items that were on several 'official' EA lists.

So before you chuck your precious item in the bin, try paging a GM.


Do note that this list isn't final or complete. In fact there currently is no accurate list of which items are illegal. In fact, I've had a fews rows with GMs when they refused to delete items that were on several 'official' EA lists.

So before you chuck your precious item in the bin, try paging a GM.
Due to the nature of water tiles themselves, I would have to say they are a definite illegal item (along the lines of portable forges, etc).

It would be worth paging a GM, even if it is to get them deleted.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also got a water tile out of a idoc..i did page a gm about it..and was told it was deff illegal to own. He deleted it on site, told me it was a good thing that I asked about things I was wary of because it could be serious trouble to your acct if found to own such items. So..its your risk mate..:)

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Due to the nature of water tiles themselves, I would have to say they are a definite illegal item (along the lines of portable forges, etc).

It would be worth paging a GM, even if it is to get them deleted.
Dont do this!, just drop em in a trash barrel!, ive known people who have paged a GM with illegal items to make them aware of it and have found themselves banned for having them! depending on the GM you get!, alot of them just arnt that bright and toss all common sense out the window!...dont risk it..just toss em!, dont pass them off to anyone else either!!....same issue!, someone gets questioned and names you! your banned.


i would say call a gm and ask. theres a chance that they might be ok to own now. After all champ spawns are dropping:

Water Tiles
Wall Blood Tiles
Swamp Tiles
Lava Tiles

so who knows :)



Can you fish in the new replica water tiles though?
If I remember right, someone said you could fish using the old water tiles....


i would say call a gm and ask. theres a chance that they might be ok to own now. After all champ spawns are dropping:

Water Tiles
Wall Blood Tiles
Swamp Tiles
Lava Tiles

so who knows :)

No chance they are ok to own, water tiles give an incredible advantage. If you keep them bury them way down deep in your house and show them to no one...lol part of the problem with having such a thing, you can not show it off