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Computer Crash

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A charof mine see dark also if it is an elf.
I've tryed to cancel the directory and make all macros again, i've tryed to change from elf to human and then to human to elf but always dark. It's dark when in the world is night, like a human.
Another issue is that when i've been playing with this char after a while there is a windows message with "fatal error" and crash the client. The only way to login again is restart the computer.
This issue is only with this char.
Then is it no a computer problem. I have 6 accounts and many other chars. All works well for the other accounts and chars.
Help me please.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A charof mine see dark also if it is an elf.
I've tryed to cancel the directory and make all macros again, i've tryed to change from elf to human and then to human to elf but always dark. It's dark when in the world is night, like a human.
Another issue is that when i've been playing with this char after a while there is a windows message with "fatal error" and crash the client. The only way to login again is restart the computer.
This issue is only with this char.
Then is it no a computer problem. I have 6 accounts and many other chars. All works well for the other accounts and chars.
Help me please.

that's a good one ! did you alter the config file in any way ? have you tried paging a GM, maybe they can help.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that's a good one ! did you alter the config file in any way ? have you tried paging a GM, maybe they can help.
Iìve reported this thing as a bug and also on the EA support but nothing. EA support answered to me that i had to write to bug report but i had already made it :(
And no answer

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A charof mine see dark also if it is an elf.
I've tryed to cancel the directory and make all macros again, i've tryed to change from elf to human and then to human to elf but always dark. It's dark when in the world is night, like a human.
Another issue is that when i've been playing with this char after a while there is a windows message with "fatal error" and crash the client. The only way to login again is restart the computer.
This issue is only with this char.
Then is it no a computer problem. I have 6 accounts and many other chars. All works well for the other accounts and chars.
Help me please.
might be able to help you with the dark with your post here.
go to your paperdoll options go to the icon on the rightside that looks like a eyeball scroll down til you see darknights and colored lighting.
if darknights is checked uncheck it and check colored lighting.