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[Selling] Composite Bow: Balanced 40SSI 40DI 38Velocity FC1



Had any offers on this? I might be interested depending on price and if I can find anything else on Cats worth xferin over for =)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had an offer of 30. I'd let it go for 50 no problem. I would consider an offer between the two prices. I think my price is fair considering I spent nearly 300M on heartwood kits and this bow was one of the few I got that would even sell for 5M+.

What else are you looking for? Might be able to make the xfer worth it.

ICQ 311888315


Hmmm...looking for a radiant scimitar with HSL/HML/HLA/DI, diamond mace with the same mods as the scimi + SSI/DI. Multiple skill ring or brace that would fit on a sampire template(necro/tacs/mace/swords/resist/chiv etc), heavy crossbow SSI/Balanced/FC1/Hit Spell, ornate axe with SSI/DI/HitSpell/HLD or HLA, Heavy crossbow Hit Spell/SSI/HLD/DI

That's a decent offer for that bow. I definately gotta sell a few items before I could afford that. Still trying to get a PC on my ring
12 Healing
11 Taming
11 HCI
12 Fire Resist


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would love that bow! Dont think its worth 2xtrasfertokens+40mill though. I would have bought it right away if you where on europe though.


Well, the bow is pretty close to what I need =)

It'd be worth it 'if' I found enough items on Catskills I can't find on Baja.