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Coming to Pacific

Naxatilor Feluka

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My computer recently crashed, in the next couple days I will be getting a new one and transfering to pacific. Im looking for a guild. I PvM, I am one of the best pvp mages in the game. I have 5 red charachters and one blue. I have no way to get on my ICQ for a couple days so PM me or leave something here if your looking to recruit.


My computer recently crashed, in the next couple days I will be getting a new one and transfering to pacific. Im looking for a guild. I PvM, I am one of the best pvp mages in the game. I have 5 red charachters and one blue. I have no way to get on my ICQ for a couple days so PM me or leave something here if your looking to recruit.
LOL your one of the best pvp mages in the game.....Yet you PvM and post that your lookin for a guild on stratics. I hope you got some skillz if you come to pac.
FYI no good guild picks anyone up from stratics.


SUPR needs more zerg players like you. Join them. They need a lot of help


SUPR needs more zerg players like you. Join them. They need a lot of help
Says the garbage mage who got kicked from the guild he help start....Your nerd rage is truly amazing sir.

Good thing SUPR is sooo zerg we have like 10 members and 3 being from a different server. So our leet zergyness allows us to field like 3-5 people. YAY GO TEAM.


Set, they wouldn't waste their time on here. Spending 90% of your time looking at a black and white screen would not be fun for them.


ps set, I just logged on pac for the first time since we last played together and stui was saying you perfer him over me :( wahhhh. hahahahahhaha


Says the garbage mage who got kicked from the guild he help start....Your nerd rage is truly amazing sir.

Good thing SUPR is sooo zerg we have like 10 members and 3 being from a different server. So our leet zergyness allows us to field like 3-5 people. YAY GO TEAM.
Juvi, I will not get into this convo with you again. Everyone knows what happened and supr being MIA from pac every time RRR was active is evidence enough that SUPR is trash.

Since you're the "GM" of supr can you thank the other members for their millions they have gave me in duels. Bought me two 120 magery's and 120 mystic. Thanks man. Come to think of it. I am very sorry for ever making fun of you and everyone else in SUPR. You guys are actually really kind, and not many people would donate as much money as you guys have to one person. Again, thank you and I hope our friendship grows from here on out.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
you can join eotd if you wanna hang around a guild thats pretty active !!! dont worry about all the hate that got spilled on your thread... its small time. your last name is pretty funny can we just call you fel ? instead of feluka


why didnt you guys log on pacific when my account was active :(
Do believe we did sir. I think SUPR was the only guild who fought you. Sorry we have jobs and couldn't be on 24/7 to fight you. Also gets old fighting the same old people, maybe expand and play more then 1 server.


Juvi, I will not get into this convo with you again. Everyone knows what happened and supr being MIA from pac every time RRR was active is evidence enough that SUPR is trash.

Since you're the "GM" of supr can you thank the other members for their millions they have gave me in duels. Bought me two 120 magery's and 120 mystic. Thanks man. Come to think of it. I am very sorry for ever making fun of you and everyone else in SUPR. You guys are actually really kind, and not many people would donate as much money as you guys have to one person. Again, thank you and I hope our friendship grows from here on out.
Good story sir. Maybe take some more of what ever your on. Must be a good trip. Only people who even care about dueling from SUPR is Asha and CB and we all know they hand you your ass. Also every time i have fought you, you die or run away. If it makes you feel better tho you can keep making up story's.


Good story sir. Maybe take some more of what ever your on. Must be a good trip. Only people who even care about dueling from SUPR is Asha and CB and we all know they hand you your ass. Also every time i have fought you, you die or run away. If it makes you feel better tho you can keep making up story's.
Dear good friend.

I feel like you have not fully embraced our friendship yet!! This saddens me deeply.

I ran from you. What world is this in. If I remember correctly I was the one asking you to duel, over and over and over. You would be the one that said dueling is stupid, it's a waste of time... blah blah blah etc. Asha did the very same thing, getting that kid to duel was impossible. CB sounds familiar, I think i took 15 mil off him.(If thats the guy from baja)

Also umm whats that guys name in your guild who use to run an archer but now is a mage finally? He came up to me and offered a 20 mil duel(which i accepted) and spanked him in one combo lol!

But yea... I am just making up stories! :( I think Set was watching the duel too


Getting me to duel is impossible huh? How about this, you can ICQ me at 476648209 if you'd like to duel me, we will go any template, pure mage, mystc mage... I could careless what tmplate you'd like to fight me, but it will be for gold which shouldn't be a problem for you since you seem so confident. You can duel me on Napa baja cats pac sonoma... Your choice of shard. And kiss from searchUO will broker it, i've already asked. THEREFOR, I GUARANTEE that you will know better than to ICQ me because your no where near my level kid, but this is just to show you how bad of a pvper you really are when your guildmates see that you've been confronted yet back out like always. Simply garbage....


Dear good friend.

I feel like you have not fully embraced our friendship yet!! This saddens me deeply.

I ran from you. What world is this in. If I remember correctly I was the one asking you to duel, over and over and over. You would be the one that said dueling is stupid, it's a waste of time... blah blah blah etc. Asha did the very same thing, getting that kid to duel was impossible. CB sounds familiar, I think i took 15 mil off him.(If thats the guy from baja)

Also umm whats that guys name in your guild who use to run an archer but now is a mage finally? He came up to me and offered a 20 mil duel(which i accepted) and spanked him in one combo lol!

But yea... I am just making up stories! :( I think Set was watching the duel too
LOL Please CB would put your face in the dirt with one hand. Asha would never turn down a duel from you. There is no pure archers in my guild and if there was, why would they just start playing a mage then offer gold duels? Are you really that dumb? Only thing your own in one combo is your moms basement. Good day sir.!


Asha did the very same thing, getting that kid to duel was impossible. CB sounds familiar, I think i took 15 mil off him.(If thats the guy from baja)
Haha, Asha i've never seen turn down a duel, he has dueling in his blood, thats all he loves to do, aside from making gold and helping his buddys lol. I've never seen you sir, But i have heard of you. And what i've heard of you is just a joke to my ears. how bout this, You and Set duel 2v2 vs me and Asha, thats the real challenge, in farms, full template, everything goes aside from no pets, no fields, no summons. Hit Asha up, he posted his icq.


Set doesnt play the last time I heard? I could be wrong though. Even if he did, were not in the same guild and 2v2 isnt a 1v1 pure mage.

Secondly, sorry for not posting the guys name earlier. I haven't played in a couple months so i tend to forget the bad players! Shameless was the guy i beat in a duel for 20 mil and the other guy i beat was from Baja. This name. I do not remember at all but he was very nice about the whole thing and payed up really fast, true dueler right there.

As for the CB guy, sorry if I mistaken you for the wrong person. Your name sounded like the dude from Baja. From what you have heard of me, congrats.. You are the kind of person who takes the first story they hear and believes it (no matter how bias it may seem). I am glad you don't like me.

Now onto Asha. There were only a few times i saw you, either you were doing pvp with M(which i am totally confused because all you ever said was how much you hated them) and the only time you did roll with them was when they out numbered us. Also if you couldn't out number us with M you just sat somewhere hiding spamming Gen chat like tenki and say full temp duel only any amount of money, you suck blah blah blah... I think everyone gets the point. The only time you accepted the pure mage you went afk and didnt respond in chat anymore so the duel never took place. Plus you blocked me on icq the last time I stomped you and ICQ spammed you saying owned. hahahaha

To Juvi. Why should I even respond to a person so blind to reality that they chose to ignore facts in order to believe what their are actually telling others :(


I really like how you guys attempt to pick my post apart when you have set and brendan both here saying the same thing over and over. We stomped you guys hard enough, that you quit Pac and waited till we stopped playing. It must be true if you're not even gonna argue them.

COCO! I think was the guys name from Baja. Ps. please dont nerd rage me if i am wrong, i am just trying to figure everything out for you!

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you know who Steelnuts is?

Let me take a stab at that question!

A. and ice cream truck driver from FL

b. a guy who cleans injured people's sweat off the massage tables after hours at a physical therapy clinic

c. you

d. all of the above?


Alright wal mart, that was a nice letter to dodge the duel.... It's not hard to get a hold of me... just send me an ICQ and we'll pure for money, and no last time I didn't go afk, I kept askng for pure and you said "I can't right now i'm busy" Then I found you trying to spawn at marble and killed you there. Whatever excuses that help you retionalize not being at my level is fine with me. If you'd like to duel for money though hit me up, otherwise be a little girl and spam your trash over stratics so you can act tough.... We all know you won't back anything up. I'll tell you what, i'll even wear a sourceress suit if you'll duel me pure mage.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me take a stab at that question!

A. and ice cream truck driver from FL

b. a guy who cleans injured people's sweat off the massage tables after hours at a physical therapy clinic

c. you

d. all of the above?
go ess a dee you old bag


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If asha duels so much, why is he so bad? We can necro duel and ill go pure mage again and beat you in 30 seconds like last time if you wish!


Asha, I was icqing you. Every single day i did for two weeks and never got a response once after we fought that one time at Yew. I am glad you can now man up and ask for a money duel being as i only just logged in for the first time in what, 2-3 months?

Classic Asha, I am surprised you have time to type on stratics and not to busy looting your guild mates accounts dry.


If I do remember correctly, you asked for a field fight... Not a pure mage! dont lie sir!

You always said you don't have a pure mage on pac and you wanted to myst mage fight me with pots and everything.


I find it funny that no matter what the post is about people find a way to turn it in to a board war. Don't get me wrong I like it lol, this stuff is funny to read. If you want some mindless entertainment read about people that think they are way better than they are at a game... just priceless stuff. Just as a bystander that don't know either side I have heard this statement to be true "I am surprised you have time to type on stratics and not too busy looting your guild mates accounts dry.” And I have heard over time that walmart or whatever he calls himself; way over rates his so called game skills. Then you have the big group that do not even play UO posting all the time... well really the only people here that post are the people that don't play UO... crazy but funny:thumbsup:


Well guys, wal mart decided to duel me, I was actually impressed that he showed up, dissapointed how fast it was, but what can you do. I don't think anyone will hear anymore trash talk from him.... So i'll let the picture do the talking, i'd just like to point out the 38 damage meteor swarm for the kill shot. I'll give you pvp lessons some day kiddo, It won't be cheap though.


If asha duels so much, why is he so bad? We can necro duel and ill go pure mage again and beat you in 30 seconds like last time if you wish!
Dude you were good but you dont play anymore and im sure you never killed Asha in 30 sec if he was using necro. Now get over yourself. Anyone that spends 16 hours a day on a game better become one of the best at the time at it.


nice screenshot! yeah i died oh well. I also heard you have been practicing pure mage duels for weeks now. To my surprise, I was alright in that duel. I thought you were gonna one combo kill me! The rust hasn't taken over yet!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Dear Master P. Im a SUPR L33T peeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr... If i transfer can i be in your guild????

Actually I dont pvp at all... im a PKER.... :D


Dear Master P. Im a SUPR L33T peeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr... If i transfer can i be in your guild????

Actually I dont pvp at all... im a PKER.... :D
Dude you know you can play with on any shard you noob. I miss your old ass!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude you were good but you dont play anymore and im sure you never killed Asha in 30 sec if he was using necro. Now get over yourself. Anyone that spends 16 hours a day on a game better become one of the best at the time at it.
He can spend 16 hours a day on this game and when he thinks hes at his peek ill still beat him, down to put my account on that. And when i beat him in 30 seconds, it's when he beat kyrite then we dueled, I'm sure Asha hasn't forget about that.


He can spend 16 hours a day on this game and when he thinks hes at his peek ill still beat him, down to put my account on that. And when i beat him in 30 seconds, it's when he beat kyrite then we dueled, I'm sure Asha hasn't forget about that.

Funny how great you all are at a video game :) cute.

Do you guys puff up your chests at the keyboard when you post?


The Bud.

PS: I love Pink Floyd forever!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He can spend 16 hours a day on this game and when he thinks hes at his peek ill still beat him, down to put my account on that. And when i beat him in 30 seconds, it's when he beat kyrite then we dueled, I'm sure Asha hasn't forget about that.

Funny how great you all are at a video game :) cute.

Do you guys puff up your chests at the keyboard when you post?


The Bud.

PS: I love Pink Floyd forever!
I dont puff my chest up..... but you can hear a clink in my glass when my drinks getting low...... funny how i can be plastered and make so many people so mad in a short period of time.....


go ess a dee you old bag
MAN I miss playing this old game with you. . .

Sidenote: Nice hijack guys..

Someone get this guy to duel. I wanna see 'one of the best pvp mages' go up against someone reputable. (Who, that is reputable, still plays uo?)
How long do you think this guy would have lasted against orion, kyrite, pink, set, or hell, even shadow, juvi, or myself?

My guess: less than half the time it took to write this.


Yea, and his counter was always. POLYMORPH! POLYMORPH! POLYMORPH!
Yep. I had the same dream. Then I would log on and he'd be like 'magic arrow, harm, harm, lightening, lightening, poison, harm harm, lightening lightening, and FLAMESTRIKE!'.

My counter was 'vas man..an nox.. *thump*'


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea, and his counter was always. POLYMORPH! POLYMORPH! POLYMORPH!
Yep. I had the same dream. Then I would log on and he'd be like 'magic arrow, harm, harm, lightening, lightening, poison, harm harm, lightening lightening, and FLAMESTRIKE!'.

My counter was 'vas man..an nox.. *thump*'
Yea whenever I woke up and logged in I would gate him to my house, I would In Mani Ylem then we would eat and have a grand old time!


I owned Orion. In my sleep.
Ok, this caught my attention. Been away awhile (don't expect anyone to remember me) but seeing alot of talk on boards bout my old FOO / D*D buds. Owning Orion at all would be impressive in and of itself, let alone while you slept. Been looking around Pac, watching some of the PvP, and thusfar it's NOTHING like the days of Roflcopter/Avril, Orion, Cloud, PK Action Barbie and the like.