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Coming to Pacific for work

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Moderator
EM Cyno,

*Smiles* I've been contacted by the town of Crystal Wood to create a township banner. They have requested a park type design. I ran around Pacific looking around at the different banners to see what you were accepting. I jumped on the EM site but didn't see a banner regulations post. Is their anything I should stay away from putting in the design? And I promise not to get carried away *Crosses fingers*


*Waves to Tailspin* One day I will come over and chase you around with explosion pots like I did to EM Cyno.

EM Cyno Razik

Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend
EM Cyno,

*Smiles* I've been contacted by the town of Crystal Wood to create a township banner. They have requested a park type design. I ran around Pacific looking around at the different banners to see what you were accepting. I jumped on the EM site but didn't see a banner regulations post. Is their anything I should stay away from putting in the design? And I promise not to get carried away *Crosses fingers*

For some reason I completely overlooked this post. Admittedly, I don't post on Stratics much - I usually use Pacific website for announcements and usually can be found on Pacific chatting with various folks.

I promise I will try to read/post in here more often. *grins*

As for banners... The general rules is here: http://pacific.uoem.net/?page_id=10

Most of the banners currently on Pacific was designed by Joy of ElF. She's gone through the process with me and Mesanna and if you'd like to talk to her, feel free. *grins*

There's no real restrictions beyond what you've already experienced on other shards (I have heard of your designs and stories *snickers*) The theme should try to match what the general look/feel of the town has. Subtlety and thought counts more than grandness and size.

But don't let that or me stop you from submitting designs. Tailspin and I will look at designs and send them in to Mesanna for the normal approval process.

You can e-mail us the application anytime to get it started.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator

For some reason I completely overlooked this post. Admittedly, I don't post on Stratics much

There's no real restrictions beyond what you've already experienced on other shards (I have heard of your designs and stories *snickers*) The theme should try to match what the general look/feel of the town has. Subtlety and thought counts more than grandness and size.
Thats okay it was overlooked, it happens. Design stories... I was completely innocent...sorta *Grins*. I definitely agree with the theme. Ever since the Village banner build on Chesapeake I have geared them towards the look of the town, its history and having it represent the township as it is and as it will be as times goes on.

There are three things you must follow when banner designing.
(Well these are mine anyways.)

Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship and never design to be bigger, better or out of spite.

Thank you for the reply.