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Coming back?



hey, i have been out of uo for oh... three years i think, myabe two, who knows. started a really long time ago and then got into some other stuff and i was just wondering how everything was? Still as fun as it used to be?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends on what you like doing. There are many things that you can do solo or with a group on the PVM side of the game with the latest expansion where the ML expansion was really geared towards group activities (peerless) until people figured out templates and methods of doing them solo. The crafting side also received some attention with imbuing (good and bad), dyes, and additional craftables. In addition, there are usually EM events being held weekly along with the game story arc's which at some point in the near future they should be releasing such as rebuilding Magincia.


mostly pvm, ill search around and hopefully find a guild and get going or just keep riding solo. give it a month and ill see how stuff goes, working on making my necro mage into a necro mage spellweaver till then :)


If your looking for a guild to run with on some hunts KHV wich i belong to does stuff almost every night and guest are always welcome. Also PAS does nightly guild events that they always welcom the general com to come and join. You should be able to find people from either of those guilds in Luna or Brit. So don't be shy and come play.


ill look for you guys, first though im gonna try to earn some cash and pick up some of the new gear, then raise a skill i want. right now im a 120 necro, 115 magery, 110 eval, 115 meditation, 107.1 ss, and i want to get up spellweaving