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Coming back to Napa!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey guys haven't played my accounts in about 7-8 years and am going to reactivate my noob account on Napa :) Was wondering how Napa is with pvp and if it is lively? I am kind of a noob especially since so many things have changed and I haven't played in 8 years or so. If anyone on Napa is willing to help me recollect my memory and show me the ropes again I would greatly appreciate it. So many things I forgot seems like playing for the very first time....

five oclock

with all the changes you are SO playing for the first time..btw Welcome back.

Ok first thing first...Make a newbie toon. Run around...learn the game etc etc..

If you reactive your old account...MAKE SURE U are in a safe place :D and insurance all your stuff. Those rares you have will be gone faster than a fish steak around sunny on brit bank roof :D

as for everything else..just run around. Most people hang out at Luna in Malas...and just learn the game...

Just make sure you are either on a newbie toon...or naked on an old toon for the game has changed Big time...


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Who were you "back then"?


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
lol! I know who YOU are.. *passes new bottle of harvest ale*.. I meant the OP.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
welcome back....dont forget to Auto renew insurance!, ive seen soo many people return to the game and forget that..

Salya Sin

Welcome BACK! Sorry for the belated response... lol.

Although... didn't you post about going to Seige? How's that going?