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Coming back! I want to hunt!


Stratics Veteran
Okay so I played UO way back when. It was my first mmo. I loved this game! However like many I left as new games came along. But I don't think I've ever found another game that gave me the feeling that I had when I logged into UO. So I want to come back. I'm thinking of either making a t-hunter or a fisher for SOS's. I also have a code for an advanced character to use. So I'm trying to decide which way to go? Which is more fun/rewarding? Easier? My main way back when was a provoker/Mage for champ spawns. I used to just provoke everything and summon earth eles.

Also if anyone has an active guild looking for fresh meat let me know!


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Hum, I like fishing the best although trying to get the legendary fish can be extremely time consuming, and to do all the fishing quests to get your 120 fishing power scroll can be extremely aggravating, although they have made some small fixes since it began. SOS's payout is about 10-30k now a days per chest. With chance to get some kelp woven leggings or a bronze valkarie chest piece (for a female character), along with a couple other items. Treasure hunting, I myself don't find exciting, but I am not digging up the chests, I generally play guard while someone else does the actual treasure hunting, the payout there can certainly be a bigger payout than fishing, because you can get valuable essences for imbuing, and a chance for some other items that may be worthwhile. Maybe one of the treasure hunters can fill you in better on the rewards or you can look up in UOguide.

Me personally I would probably use an advanced character token on either a warrior or on imbuing. Warrior so that you can make some gold fighting and killing or the imbuing so that you can make awsome armor pieces. Imbuing can be time consuming to build up but very worth while-the thing with imbuing though is you need loot to unravel to gain skill or you can imbue items to gain skill which cost gold to buy the gems to do it with-which kind of goes back to needing a warrior to collect gold and have loot to unravel.

As far as warriors there are tons of builds now. Lot of peeps like the sampire, me personally I love my archers. Barding has some nice bard mastery options now that you may want to check out. So if you still like barding, maybe making the bard with your advanced character token would be the way to go as provo can also be painful to gain as you get higher in skill. If you liked provo before then you would probably really like it now. Make sure to look up bard masteries before using up that advance character token. In my opinion I wouldn't use an advanced character token on fishing or T-hunting. I have OCD when it comes to fishing, but it is not to make the gold it is just to catch those %#$*@# legendary fishes to hang on my wall!


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Oh another thing for thought, my hubby does use a provo mage to do his treasure hunting which he will often do solo, so that may also be the way to go. As far as the fishing goes, I at one time had an archer/fisher but had since change to a stealth fisher as it seems to work super easy for some of the dungeon fishing like the labyrinth or Prism of Light.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the response. I have a decent built Mage and a decent archer so maybe I'll make one of those an archer then use my token on a provoker. Do you know the template you husband uses?

I have no clue what imbue does yet. I'll look into that now!


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Provo T-mapper is as follows- 120 music, 120 provo, 100 cartography, 100 lock picking, 100 magery, 60 mining, 90 med and he is planning on raising his mining a little higher. I guess the mining allows you to find the chest a little easier without having to be so close to it. Also UO Cartographer or at least another good mapping system is a HUGE help. We personally use the UO Cartographer, you can find downloadable area here in stratics along with how to get it to work which can be a little challengeing to get going right. Hubby is "Pacific Cruiser" who often posts here, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you PM'd him or myself, if you need some help. What shard are you playing?


Always Present
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I have no clue what imbue does yet. I'll look into that now!

Fishing and treasure hunting are very good complementary skills for imbuing.

Imbuing is a crafting skill which allows you to imbue onto items the exact properties which you want/need for your template. Gargoyles have a race bonus to it.

Now, when you start up with the skill, it is too low to attempt any real imbuing and here is where treasure hunting and fishing come usefull.

When initially training up imbuing, you can "unravel" items into imbuing ingredients. the better the items you are unravelling are, the better will be the imbuing ingredients obtained from unravelling them.

Since fishing up SOSes and treasure Chests there are items one does not want, and quite a few, do not frow them away, unravel them !! This way, not only your imbuing skill will go up nicely, but you will also start stocking up a nice stock of imbuing ingredients which will come handy later on, when your skill will allow you to actually imbue what you want/need on items.

Welcome back !

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Welcome back. You'll find considerable information on both treasure hunting and imbuing in our playguide pages http://uo2.stratics.com which are fully upto date and searchable.
I have a treasure hunter myself and enjoy using her, however her skill set is a little different, relying mainly on Mysticism skill


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for all the new responses. I decided to make my archer my fisherman and used my token to start a treasure hunter/provoker. I also have a pure Mage I had been working on with most skills in the 80s-90s I think. I'm already looking at making an imbuer as well. I'm way behind the curve!


Stratics Veteran
Petra Fyde mysticism and a lot of other skills are completely new to me. I'll have to do SOS lot more reading. I think when I last played they were just starting to introduce necromancy and chiv!

Cephas [V]

Stratics Veteran
Welcome back to Britannia.

I prefer the treasure hunt myself. My treasure hunter is a very specialized character, as I wanted to challenge myself to make a viable character with zero Magery.
His skills: 100 Detect Hidden, Lock Picking, Cartography, Remove Trap
80 Stealth
70 Swordsmanship, Tactics
64 Stealing
36 Hiding

He uses a skinning knife exclusively for Shadowstrike to hide during the spawn, and lots of potions, primarily greater heal, lesser cure (all you need for L1 poison), and greater confusion blast. Incapable of soloing anything greater than an L1, or a troll, or a fire elemental. However, I like it that way, as to me, treasure hunts are more fun as a group.


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Dochtuir, wow you have been gone awhile!!! There are tons of things that have changed if Chiv and Necro were just coming out when you left... Did High Seas and Stygian Abyss come with your game pack/download? Stygiain Abyss is the add-on that allows you to play a gargoyle, and to use imbuing and mysticism, they also have a new skill called throwing which is quite fun. The throwers are much like archers except you need to be gargoyle and you use boomerang type weapons (gargoyles can't ride mounts though, but they can fly). Throwers can be quite heavy hitters. The imbuing you can add special properties onto your armor or weapons, and one of the nicest things is you can make your own jewelry which is super nice. (Don't need to keep hundreds of jewels in your house, just make what ya need) Stygian abyss has also opened up a new land with new bosses to fight.

High Seas addition allows you to do the special fishing, they have the new rare and legendary fish, which many you can mount on your walls as trophies. They also have new ships that you can mount cannons on and also pirating. New bosses to fight and kill in high seas also.

Armor has changed tons- now a days it seems the norm would be to have at least an all 70's resist suit generally piled high with the other bonuses like LMC, LRC, MR,MI etc. So you may want to check out the crafters section here also. If not to build your own armor then to at least have an idea what people have been able to do with their armor, if you are in the market to buy.

The warrior or spellcasters sections here in stratics can give you an idea of what kind of builds or templates people are using now. They have come up with some creative builds that can be super powerful.

Over all I would say you have tons of reading to do or yakking with folks to get caught up. UOguide.com is an awesome quick reference guide, and stratics here is awesome to get more detailed info, and the input of players and what they are doing. :)


Stratics Veteran
@SashaSeeks yeah your no kidding I feel like I'm learning a totally new game all over again! But I'm excited! I did buy both of those expansions last night, I was particularly excited about the high seas stuff. I've been reading all the guides and what not I can while at work today! Lol


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Ya, lots of catching up to do for sure, we were gone for two years shortly after high seas came out, and there was tons of changes when we came back a couple of months ago. So I imagine its almost a culture shock for you to come back. LOL

Before I forget... Here on stratics there is a good write up on how to train provo, and if I'm not mistaken, there is or at least was, something about not taking your "music" above 100 until you get your provo or other bard skill to 120. At least it used to be that way for disco, been a long time since I've trained a bard. But either way I had read where many a people had to either lower or redo their music back to 100 to finish gaining their other bard skill. So please be sure to read up on the bard training here in stratics so you don't end up having to redo, if that is still the case. Lot of good "best way to train" methods to be found here.


Always Present
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Thanks for the heads up. Is there anywhere to check population of shards?

If you are using the Enhanced client (using Pinco's UIs make a whole world of difference, very usefull....), at the login screen it tells which shard is at the moment more populated.

By the way, about Treasure Hunting, some maps will have also a "Forged Pardon" which allows reds to waive their murder counts and which sell very well (several millions gold) so, a way to raise good gold to help you then buy what you might need to advance your characters http://uo2.stratics.com/skill-guides/skills-and-professions/treasure-map-quests.

Also, now that there is Global Vendor Search in the game, you no longer need a vendor in Luna or to drop runes at banks..... just set up your own vendor wherever your house may be, and the items you are selling will be listed in the global vendor search so people looking for specific items will be able to know that you are selling them and come to your vendor and buy.
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