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Come on UO... Revive!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Start encouraging your friends and guild mates to transfer to Atlantic and play actively. It's the most populous shard and pretty much PvP's last leg. You might take a hit to ping, but who cares. I ping 100 and I still do work.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agreed, Atlantic is a lot of fun, ping really doesn't give that bad of a disadvantage; Unless you're fighting someone with my ping over on west, then its just dirty!

annnd this is what I'm semi-playing on the side www.aiononline.com better then the reviews it was given that's for sure.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i'll hop on every once and a while and help out pug over there and legends, haven't been playing latley though.


Start encouraging your friends and guild mates to transfer to Atlantic and play actively. It's the most populous shard and pretty much PvP's last leg. You might take a hit to ping, but who cares. I ping 100 and I still do work.
Pretty much this.

GL has a big population, though most of it, sadly, has a lot of the 'kiddie' types.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Atlantic is impossible for a lot of people to play on...
I have taken a break myself and I've been playing a lot of League of Legends.


Aion is a awesome game! I played it for a bit but the flying gives melee char's at such a huge disadvantage, thats what truely turned me off about it. Other than that, the game is amazing!


One more thing. Maybe if guilds like M, Supr and Kazi could actually put up a decent fight then the shard wouldnt be so dead.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
^ Agreed, considering I'm hearing now that supr makes more appearances since we somewhat took a break, coincidence?! i think not.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aion is a awesome game! I played it for a bit but the flying gives melee char's at such a huge disadvantage, thats what truely turned me off about it. Other than that, the game is amazing!
Yeah, i play a Gladiator and a Spiritmaster, at lvl 40+ glad's get chain cleave so rangers aren't that big of problem in air. and SM's just durp everyone it's pretty hard to die on one, even 2v1.


i made it to 31 glad then i stopped because the lvling was a b****!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just hit 40 with my glad yesterday, idk what you've been lvling on but lvling is really easy


Well, i got the game first day it came out! so the worlds were packed. Then my buddies stopped playing so i ended up losing interest too. But besides UO Aion is def the second best mmo i have played.

I have play warhammer, WoW, Uo, Aion, knight online.