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[Gardening] colored spider trees


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
ok I got the blue red & yellow catus seeds

Ive made orange, green & purple both normal & bright

but I can only get bright red, yellow & blue. whats the secret of getting normal ones?

cuz if i take the seed of a vibrant blue catus, its just a vibrant blue catus seed :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok lets see...

flowery x flowery = spider tree

To get:

DULL PRIMARY - cross primary you want and secondary with primary color (IE red + orange)
BRIGHT PRIMARY - cross two of the primary color you want either bright or dull (red + bright red)
DULL SECONDARY - cross two different primaries (red and blue to make purple)
BRIGHT SECONDARY - cross two of the same secondaries either bright or plain (orange + bright orange)

You probably need more cactus seeds with more variety. So take some of the spider tree seeds you have and cross them to get the flowery cactus you need. These should be the ones you are missing if you just have the flower primary cactus seeds:

red spider tree x red spider tree = B RED CACTUS
red spider tree x yellow spider tree = ORANGE CACTUS
orange spider x orange spider = B ORANGE CACTUS
yellow x yellow = BRIGHT YELLOW CACTUS
yellow x blue = GREEN CACTUS
green x green = BRIGHT GREEN CACTUS
blue x blue = BRIGHT BLUE CACTUS
blue x red = PURPLE CACTUS
purple x purple = BRIGHT PURPLE CACTUS

Lady Lovely

I have read over and over the info on these and I just don't get it :wall: I have never been able to figure out how to xbreed the plants :blushing:and would love to learn...is there an easy way to understand it? I really would like to get some of the different colored spider trees as well without having to pay someone else 300k for them :coco: Thanks in advance :p

Sara Of Baja

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The following crosses using either bright or dull parent plants will result in dull color seeds:

A secondary color crossed with a primary (yellow, blue, red) color will yield the primary color:
Purple (dull or bright) x Yellow (dull or bright) = Dull Yellow
Orange + Blue = Dull Blue
Green x Red = Dull Red

Anytime you cross 2 plants that are both of secondary colors (green, orange, purple), you will get dull colored seeds in the primary base color:
Green x Orange = Yellow (it took blue x yellow to get green and red x yellow to get orange, hence yellow is the base color)
Green x Purple = Blue
Orange x Purple = Red


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome guide! Thank you for putting it together. My first red, blue and yellow flowery cacti popped today, and I appreciate having all the information ready to go once I get the self-pol seeds up and going.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I crossed a bunch of tribarrels while growing a ton of plants to prep for the new stains - and got different colored flowering cacti.

I *know* I did not have any flowering cacti other than plain blue, and I only grew out the 2 seeds I got off of boglings for those.

Is that expected - that they're a product of a tribarrel cross?!



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is some kind of problem with crossing cactus right now. I think you get weird results. You might be able to find someone on your shard who can supply you with the seeds of all the different colored cactus you need. :)