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Cold Drake and their Dragon Breath


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A guildmate and me did some lvl 6 chests in order to tame some cold drakes and so on and then we saw, that the cold drakes blew a blue colored dragon breath and not a red one like the other pets with dragon breath. Today we checked, if maybe that breath isnt fire damage and after some testing, we saw that the damage is cold damage. Indeed it is cold damage dragon breath (didnt know this before). Thats interesting to know in my opinion and a very special feature of that great pets. So I think most of the Tamer wikis have to change this litle fact.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
A guildmate and me did some lvl 6 chests in order to tame some cold drakes and so on and then we saw, that the cold drakes blew a blue colored dragon breath and not a red one like the other pets with dragon breath. Today we checked, if maybe that breath isnt fire damage and after some testing, we saw that the damage is cold damage. Indeed it is cold damage dragon breath. Thats interesting to know in my opinion and a very special feature of that great pets. So I think most of the Tamer wikis have to change this litle fact.
Very good to know!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just assumed the blue breath was cold damage. Never had an inclination to test it. Thanks tho.


Lore Master
Is it the same for white wyrms?

Never mind, forgot they don't have breath.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wouldn't it apply to all draconians with 100% cold damage and dragon breath also?
Think my 100% Cold Platinum Drake does Fire Damage with it's Dragon Breath, unfortunately. It would be cool if the Element of the Breath matched the pet's Damage type. 100% Poison Crimson/Platinum Drakes should do a Poison Breath (not the AoE special, but the one that Bane Dragons do when hit at range). 100% Energy Crimson/Platinum Drakes as well as Reptalons should do an Energy Breath that looks like an E-Bolt (this kind of breath already exists on another mob).


Crazed Zealot
White Wyrms do not have dragon breath, its one of the reasons they are desirable to people
Thanks for correcting us! Off topic @Khaelor, did you talk to the Devs about the TP for Magery/Eval and Necro/SS weights on pets? :please:

Doubt that too many other people are more qualified than you to do this. We count on you sire. This may breathe\ some more life to out beloved draconians, mares, even the poor abandoned Rams! Appreciate in advance!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cold drakes have 50% Cold and 50% phys melee damage, but their breath is 100% cold damage. The other pets have a red colored normal (fire damage) blow. It would be interesting to know, if the devs wanted the cold drakes to have a real cold damage breath or maybe it is a devs fault! If it would be a mistake by the devs, we better keep all that cold drakes with cold breath. I think, in the case of beeing a devs mistake, they would change it in the future without announcing that to players... like they often did in others cases. Think about that and tame as many as you can :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The devs are a fickle and inconsistent lot.
You remember when your 825-str dragon also had 825 HP, right?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for example what I mean: They stopped the bane dragon spawn in the underworld a few years ago, without announcing that or they exchanged the meat eating unicorn in former days, without a note for the players and so on. So if its an unwanted feature or mistake by the devs, they will change it at that moment they learn about this little mistake.
The more I think about it, the more it becomes possible, that this is an unwanted feature, because all other pets have a normal dragon breath. The bane dragon poisonbreath is green colored, but it is not a real "normal" dragon breath and it is not shown in the gump as a dragon breath. Its something like a special, not compareable hidden ability and does not count as a normal dragon breath. ->So why should the devs give that only one drake type this special cold breath and the others not? I dont think, that they wanted to do so. Just my 2 cents btw.
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Stratics Veteran
@moderator I want to see what this said before editing, I missed it.

Please PM the transcript. Thanks


That Celticus doesn't fully understand the problem or what it would take for a solution, but since he continues to feel the need to post about it, we don't need to further waste our time with the post/research we were formulating.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That Celticus doesn't fully understand the problem or what it would take for a solution, but since he continues to feel the need to post about it, we don't need to further waste our time with the post/research we were formulating.
Oh I bet it was better than that! But same content.

I have been a good boy and have stayed clear.

Maybe an acknowledgement that you guys are working on it behind the scenes will make him stop.


Stratics Veteran
Oh I bet it was better than that! But same content.

I have been a good boy and have stayed clear.

Maybe an acknowledgement that you guys are working on it behind the scenes will make him stop.
We have been working on it for a while now. It is actually something very complex that can have huge ramifications if presented incorrectly. It's a lot more complicated than just making Magery/Eval cost 500 points, for example. The intensity system is pet-blind. They cannot target specific pets (like a Shadow Wyrm) and make Magery/Necro cost less only for that pet. Every pet in the game that has Magery or Necromancy has to be looked at to see what would happen to it. Then you need to spec out these changed pets to see how they will perform to determine if there are going to be any imbalances. A proper change to this system will not present any single pet as the "go-to" pet after the change. Ideally many pets would be comparable and give variety to players.

Simply changing the cost of Magery/Necro groups actually won't help a lot of pets. The cost change would also need to come with a stat change for certain pets as well.

The intensity of Magery/Eval and Necro/Spirit Speak (and all skills actually) are directly linked to their scroll cost as well. If you drop the intensity cost of Magery/Eval, you drop the scrolling cost for them as well, which is something that needs to be considered.

When people keep @'ing the Devs with broad knee-jerk changes like "make magery/necro cheaper", it can be detrimental as it may turn them off to the idea if its not properly presented with data and spreadsheets (which most tamers seem to hate). We also don't want to submit a proposal to them and have them come back with "this was already brought up and we won't be making changes" and have them ignore the details of it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes. But we just want more points to put on. I understand that is completely not going to get a change made when said that way. But that's what we see when building.

Also the tamables have so many intensity variations. We are lucky they were able to make this revamp work as well as it did. The 2 slot current Nightmare and Fire Steed are examples of two similar pets with very different total intensities at 2 slots.

Yall just have to figure out the math and how to incorporate it into the game so the Devs can put the change in without much fanfare. Have to hit them right before a publish. They are willing to toss something in that just came up when they are about to publish. Like the pet damage changing to purple.

I wish we could have a Skree get a nice solid build.

Maybe we just need to give up on the old ones that are underpowered and have them create some new ones instead.

I think the only way we will get something better will be from the power of your spreadsheets.

Yall can choose the route. New pet or rebuild an old one.

Like I said before, use this forum as a sounding board and do business on the official one. I have already promised to stay out of pet related things over there if yall are going to make us some usable pets.

Good Luck we all appreciate the work yall do.


Crazed Zealot
Yes. But we just want more points to put on. I understand that is completely not going to get a change made when said that way. But that's what we see when building.

Also the tamables have so many intensity variations. We are lucky they were able to make this revamp work as well as it did. The 2 slot current Nightmare and Fire Steed are examples of two similar pets with very different total intensities at 2 slots.

Yall just have to figure out the math and how to incorporate it into the game so the Devs can put the change in without much fanfare. Have to hit them right before a publish. They are willing to toss something in that just came up when they are about to publish. Like the pet damage changing to purple.

I wish we could have a Skree get a nice solid build.

Maybe we just need to give up on the old ones that are underpowered and have them create some new ones instead.

I think the only way we will get something better will be from the power of your spreadsheets.

Yall can choose the route. New pet or rebuild an old one.

Like I said before, use this forum as a sounding board and do business on the official one. I have already promised to stay out of pet related things over there if yall are going to make us some usable pets.

Good Luck we all appreciate the work yall do.
Hear hear..Strong work.