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Clues and concerns

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Detective Marcus looked at the piles of papers before him. Too many to count and so much information to absorb.

Maya Demeter had kept excellent records of Jenkins rampages, up until he infected her with his strange mutation potion. Now she stayed in the castle changing forms as she tried to reverse the effects of the potion. He had gone to question her several times, but didn't always get coherent responses from her. He wasn't sure if the potions were making her mad or just the frustrations of it all just distracting her.

Queen Dawn had ordered him to pair up with the gargoyle, Gorn to investigate possible leads to find who was responsible for Jenkins experiments. Employing Gorn, he thought was a bad idea given his ties to Maya. But Gorn did know his way around Ter Mer and frankly that was something Marcus was unfamiliar with. So he would follow his orders, for now.

Marcus again began reading one of the reports from the encounter he had with the rogues.

From the clues found thus far, it seemed that they had hired Jenkins to find a way for... something? But what?

Voices from the Void?

Demons lurking?

Marcus knew these clues meant something, but he wasn't sure what yet.