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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wax museum is closed ty

the statue makers will stay up to honor those that play and or played uo , again ty all for your support


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ran out of gold and space so i decided just to close it up and maybe clean it up but either way its not the same anymore i worked hard to get what i have now you need either alot of gold or alot of real money and a game thats been laying off people that make things happen isnt worth spending real money in id rather just play now , my wax museum has melted

five oclock

sorry to hear that man...But hearing what Im hearing on UOhall.....I dont blame ya.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if they lay off the developers then we need to worry and im sure the way things are goping that wont be to much longer

five oclock

Shrugs...ya know the only thing faster than the speed of light are rumors....

No worries...

and if so...there are other games out there...

Let the flaming begin :D

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DooM and Gloom oh my!! UO isnt going anywhere, anytime soon. Thats my guess anyhow...Life will go on...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im sure it wont my friend , i was just saying its hard to keep going when new stuff comes out all the time but anyways im sure with all the museums going everyone new and old alike will have great memorys on any of the stuff thats displayed at any of the museums thats open :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dropped one of my UO accounts last week. I'm only keeping the one with the Zento house because I don't want anyone else to have that spot :lol:

I'm having too much fun in WoW to bother playing UO these days.

five oclock

I dropped one of my UO accounts last week. I'm only keeping the one with the Zento house because I don't want anyone else to have that spot :lol:

I'm having too much fun in WoW to bother playing UO these days.
So you are that house owner :p

what server ya playing on?