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Cloak Of Corruption- will it be of use in the future.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was wondering if the Cloak Of Corruption will ever be of use in the future for a event or turn in or something. Has anyone seen anything posted. Or can a Dev be kindly enough to let me know. I wanted to know if I should go ahead and sell my cloaks or hold on to them.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I wonder about that myself everytime I run across mine in a chest...

Cerwin Vega

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I thought that we were gonna be able to use the threads with them to make a different cloak but that might just have been a rumor.


Stratics Veteran
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Yeah im debating whether to toss'm or keep'm... have way too many. Only thing they are good for is getting a dread lord title faster than the speed of light :D


Grand Poobah
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It was mentioned that there will be a use for these in the future as well as those threads. At least keep these until SA comes out because I'm sure by that time there will be a use for them.


I'd hold on to them ...

Pretty, Pretty sure I read sometime back they would eventually be used.


Weren't ophidian rations going to be useful too?

And glass daggers..

Phaen Grey

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I have a couple, great for killing karma and working healing! I am hoping the upcoming story arc will shed light on their use.



They do take up alot of space!!!

Think i have about 50 of them atm, as well as alot of insured threads (gna be rare someday i hope as they cant be insured!)

Bomb Bloke

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The "make a new cloak" thing was a rumour.

It is highly likely they will be of value in future events. Their use is already known: You enter the Ethereal Void with one on, all those de-gens turn into RE-gens (except karma, it still sucks that off you like a vacuum cleaner).

Though odds are people will complain about this, because they couldn't be bothered doing the work required to obtain them when they were available.

Frankly I hope such complaints are ignored, though it wouldn't surprise me if the result is that the cloaks become available again (hence screwing over everyone who currently has a chest full of the things, a group that doesn't include myself).


It may be a rumour, it was however a rumour started by Draconi in a different thread.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can someone please make the Threads stackable? I hate using up so many lockdowns. I've noticed very few threads will stack, it was mentioned that the newly spawned ones were stacking but that is incorrect as I've tried to farm them recently and its hit and miss whether or not the new threads stack with each other or the older versions, mostly NOT tho.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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I have one that does not drop your hp/stam/etc or drop karma, it is just cursed. Is that a keeper?