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Client won't patch?


C Tripled

Hey all,

It's been years since I've played UO and I was thinking about giving it another shot. However, after downloading the classic client from the uoherald website, I found that it will not patch. I get this message:
Error reading okay message from socket
Wrong protocol version
Could not connect to a patch server
Make sure you have an active connection to the Internet via an ISP or a direct connection.
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check http://www.uo.com/ for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
I have tried reinstalling several times as well as running it from administrator.

Thanks for all your help.



Site Support
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
You check to see if your firewall is blocking the clients connection, either Windows or your Anti-virus' firewall could be doing it.