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cleaning house


Former Stratics Publisher
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i have found i have a lot of extra stuff... being the pakrat I am. so check out my vendors as i put a lot of stuff on them... for decent prices (so far as luna goes).

i'm not leaving folks... just cleaning house. :gee:


glad to hear your staying kirth, will be over to check the deals :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you can go clean mine too if ya want...save me from doing it haha, glad to see you're feeling better kirth, :heart:


Former Stratics Publisher
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Stratics Legend
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Thanks you two. :)

Okay... going through all this... stuff... so am selling off a lot of armor & weapons I thought I would imbue. All for 250gp each piece (with exception for marties and really awesome stuffs). I have been VERY selective in what I loot, and the bags are labeled.

Basically - am pricing for new people so they have a chance at getting stuff. So if you know any new ones, send them all over. I have CHESTS full of this stuff - I just don't have the energy or gumption to really work on my imbuer right now. In the future, yeah, but not now.

So... my GM+ pakrat skills will hopefully benefit new commers, young'uns and aspiring imbuers alike. :)


Vendors are named with the date I fill them up. Items are spread amongst all of them, so browse them all. Hopefully something for everyone!