Selling CLEAN Vicious Bracelet of Haste
Dex 8
HCI 15
SDI 18
SSI 10
DI 15
Lesser Artifact
UNimbued - means your Tinker can repair time and time again, and use PoF to make this Artifact jewel 255/255 almost forever! Please enter your bid here...
Pick-up on Legends shard (or perhaps Great Lakes in a week or two).
Dex 8
HCI 15
SDI 18
SSI 10
DI 15
Lesser Artifact
UNimbued - means your Tinker can repair time and time again, and use PoF to make this Artifact jewel 255/255 almost forever! Please enter your bid here...
Pick-up on Legends shard (or perhaps Great Lakes in a week or two).