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clarification on all clients


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok just want to make sure I have my facts right here and terminalagy

the clients as I know them

original 2d client (legacy)
the enhanced 2d client (enhanced legacy?)
the kr client
the SA enhanced beta client (2d enhanced client?)

and when all is said and done what will we be left with?

legacy enhanced
kr client
SA enhanced client



Yep. And if you use KR you will not get to the new content.



(Don't call any of them "SA" -- that has been done away with.)

Classic Client (aka 2D client)
Enhanced Client (formally SA client)
KR (which is going away soon)

BUT you need a SPECIAL version of the Classic Client JUST FOR THE OPEN BETA. That is what people are downloading from the FoF FAQ link.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have all of them downloaded but to clarify you say kr is going away to be replaced by Enhanced client?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In order

Classic Client (aka 2D client)
3rd Dawn (Aka 3D Client) - No longer active
KR (which is going away soon)
Enhanced Client (formally SA client)


I have all of them downloaded but to clarify you say kr is going away to be replaced by Enhanced client?
It's just going away. No date yet. You can replace it with whatever you want.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Currently you could have up to 4 versions of UO on your pc.
The standard classic client (2D)
The classic client patched with SA content - for beta testing only.
The KR client, soon to be retired
The enhanced client.

The first two are the same thing, just one is patched for the new content and the other isn't.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok thanks everyone I have a clearer picture now
when all is done we will have
2d client
enhanced client


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
one last question then will the 2d client in the fof today that is ment only for retrabution have the new crafting menus

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since the menus are SA content and it's SA content you'll be testing, my guess on that would be 'yes' :)


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok thanks I thought so but just wanted to make sure..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

(Don't call any of them "SA" -- that has been done away with.)

Classic Client (aka 2D client)
Enhanced Client (formally SA client)
KR (which is going away soon)

BUT you need a SPECIAL version of the Classic Client JUST FOR THE OPEN BETA. That is what people are downloading from the FoF FAQ link.
Yeah, that is how I saw things to Until Storm threw down the obviously upgraded/Enhanced 2D client so .... I have entered a temporary insecurity condition :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zodia pretty much got it right!
Many thanks for that clarification.

That's what I thought too; you might want to make that clear someplace. (Or have you already and I've just missed it?)

Very clever from a marketing perspective, btw, to call the new SA client the "enhanced client." I like it.

Makes it not expansion-specific sounding; makes it seem like a logical progression from the "classic" client rather than a break from it.

-Galen's player


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well when KR goes away so do I and my 4 accounts.

Not crying. Not threatening. Just stating reality.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for real, KR is the ONLY client that does NOT crash on my system.
the 2d client, crash on recalls, drops stuff to the ground when im moving them around my bank and sometimes when i die i lose all my blessed and insured stuff.. it seems to stay on the corpse.

new SA client. after the new patch it wont even run, i get segfualt error when i try to run the exe. the little time i had testing the sa client it froze up completely for minutes at a time.

i love the kr client. i love the 3d speed.. it runs at over 60 fps on my system, it is very stable, even with an entire screen full of mobs. something the 2d client never did.


for real, KR is the ONLY client that does NOT crash on my system.
the 2d client, crash on recalls, drops stuff to the ground when im moving them around my bank and sometimes when i die i lose all my blessed and insured stuff.. it seems to stay on the corpse.

new SA client. after the new patch it wont even run, i get segfualt error when i try to run the exe. the little time i had testing the sa client it froze up completely for minutes at a time.

i love the kr client. i love the 3d speed.. it runs at over 60 fps on my system, it is very stable, even with an entire screen full of mobs. something the 2d client never did.
I like KR too (RIP) so if anyone happens to be liking this client they'll be getting what gravity dictates on the mule's behind as far as SA is concerned.

As for me I wouldn't mind playing the game on KR even without the expansion content of SA at all. Pretty sure lot of players who adores 2D and the "enhanced" version would be diverted to SA expansion buy. Well no hurry for me watch and learn for now.

Of course just as a matter of personal appeal playing the SA expansion on the antiquated 2D would be unthinkable because the graphics are really jurassic.

Just funny that KR which came later as a supposed improvement to 2D gets to be retired first eh? WoWaWee! Somebody must have messed up bigtime.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the fact that I've been playing UO for the last 2 years on the UOKR client and they now they are deciding to scratch is to put it mildy.. utter bull****.

Not once did I ever support the notion of taking away the 2D option away from the jurrassic 2D users who weren't adamant about not wanting the 2d client to disappear.

I'm all for keeping players happy and letting them have choices. But if their going to take away my choices then I'll be choosing the door.

If they make the KR Graphics an option in SA I'll give it a go. But the legacy graphics are godawful to look at and I'm ready to move on and experience games that have better graphics than what I was playing on 10 years ago.

UOKR provided the improved graphics I wanted...

The bottom line is I've been playing a game on the certain client for 2 years and for them now 2 years later to take the UOKR client away from the players who want to continue using is asinine.