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[Discussion] Clainin's spell book clarification


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok folks, I kept seeing people misusing my post about 2 books per shard. To clear this up, I said with the way the books were released it was averaged out to be 2 books per shard. That came from the fact that many shards didn't give out any books, many gave few, and rest gave decent numbers. But this event only applied to 16 shards 1 being non-xshard transferable. So the total number of shards out there divided by the final total number of books it is as though there were less than 2 books per shard. Let me give you an example and may be players can help me out:

The 16 shards that were involved:
Europa = 0
Pacific = 0
Sonoma = 0
Baja = 0
Legend = 4
Oceana = 4
Origin = 3
GL = 4
Siege = 4 (but can't be X-sharded so doesn't count in the big picture)
Atlantic = 12
Chesypeak = 5
Catskils = 5
Napa = 4
Drachenfels = 5
LA = 5
LS = 6

Total = 57 books

If somone could help fill in the ? shards perhaps we can get an even more accurate number.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can speak for 4 books on Catskills. (Pitr says one of his people got one idk why he'd lie... so that's 5)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sonoma I thought got one... thought someone hit him with a dagger then invised... however the TB could have killed him...

12 atl
6 LS


You need to put one more on legends. I got one from the event and i didn't let anyone know I had it until (until now)