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City Trades

Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I just wanna say, I just LOVE this they are doing something with City Trades even if it is just for an event I am not sure but something directed towards something I did anyway...I am seeing a lil bit of everyone out doing them.........makes me smile to see those one doesn't normally see day to day out doing these. Ok my rambling is over .....This is just Great, Thank You UO Gods

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree. Seeing folks on the road has been great. I attempt not talk to them, other than Gen Chat, because of the multiple raids that can happen. I learned that lesson the hard way. While chatting with a certain Knight of the Holy Fist, we were both attacked by two groups of Brigands who ground both of us into the dirt before taking our Trade Orders. Ha!

There have been several new and/or returning players who have learned about the trade order system and about the city buffs. Just seeing folks prance past your house consistently or witnessing a brigand fight outside of your window can definitely peek one's interest.

See y'all on the road!