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What I did was shop around the towns to see what Trade Deals each one was offering and which one would benefit my character. Some Trade Deals are offered in multiple towns. My experience has been that the deals stay the same for long periods of time in most, if not all, towns. When I found the deal I wanted, that was the town I pledged my loyalty to and became a citizen. I have completed so many Trade Order quests that I maintain Venerated status in every town, so I had my pick.

City Loyalty - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You drop 4k or 5k iron ingots to be able to vote for Governor. Drop in trade minister box.


Stratics Veteran
Exactly 4k ingots to go from zero to "respected" in order to use the town bonus.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You shouldn't be required to "shop around" . The way it should have been done, and most agree should be changed to...is that once you join a town, you can simply choose the buff you want from a list on the town stone. Having a full compliment of Governors and as many as 5 towns with the same buff, is stupid and always has been.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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You shouldn't be required to "shop around" . The way it should have been done, and most agree should be changed to...is that once you join a town, you can simply choose the buff you want from a list on the town stone. Having a full compliment of Governors and as many as 5 towns with the same buff, is stupid and always has been.
As a Governor I can say I 100% agree with you and have suggested this many times over... it falls on deaf ears... I continue to offer the +1FC not for myself but for those who are vocal in my "town"... as this was what I agreed to do a long time ago ... I was asked to offer it as they tell me it's the most expensive and best value. Many who are on my stone build their suits around this so I keep it so long as they keep me in office. I enjoy the RP aspect of it and they do what they do with it. Most folk who seem to run for Governor who aren't into the RP side of things pretty much never show to more than 1 Governors meeting. I think it works out for the best that people let those who enjoy the RP side of things run and just let the Governor know what you'd like... Really honestly I don't even use the town buff... I just keep it for those who do. I think if you said something at a Governors meeting to the Governors perhaps you could let them know what buff you'd like. Many of us tried all sorts of things like ballot boxes and all to try to figure out what folk wanted... Most of those who wanted the +1FC tracked me down and asked me for it, called for me in Gen Chat even... They know who I am and where I live in-game. I can say if you aren't into RP you will likely be bored to tears at a Governors meeting. Many times unless Governors talk about it at the meetings we really have no idea what anyone else is offering and just guess what people might want or they do what they want because no one has said anything to them and they don't know.

Sadly though if your Governors don't go to the meetings and you don't know who they are perhaps you can go to the meetings and change things. Supposedly Governors who are "no show" and don't let the EM's know they aren't going to be there can be removed from office. I personally have never seen this happen... but the EMs supposedly have the ability to put someone else on the stone.

Also if NO ONE is on the stone you can go to a meeting and ask to take the Governorship of the town. Many do not know that.

I hope that helps some.

Also, there is NOTHING you get from being Governor other than a title of Governor... you get to give people a title if they want it... but most folk soon find its rather a PITA to maintain as each time there is an election you have to redo it. Oh, and you get to sit in the chair at your office and at the King's table... no one but the Governor can sit in them... keeps down the griefing I guess. Not that I ever see people attend a Governors meeting... but I think everyone should attend one at least once... (Once is pretty much all you need since well at least on GLs they are pretty much scripted by the EM and not much ever changes with them besides who's sitting in for the King that week or whatever)... Though often Governors use the meeting to promote any events they sponsor or relay any events they have sponsored in the last while and the outcomes of them... Otherwise, they are fairly well quiet and dull. Really isn't much you can do or say and what is the point when no one comes to hear them but those who are sitting on the council. Then there is the fact you get to pick the Buff... however if there is no money on the stone be prepared to pay out for it... 2mill each week... I paid this the first year or so I was in office. After that, I said if you want the buff make sure there is money on the stone and I'll keep the buff... fortunately after awhile, the DEVs helped us out by making it so we didn't actually have to go to the stone every week and restart the buff again. Now it stays what it is until it's changed or the stone runs out of money.

Anyway, I hope thats all you ever wanted to know about Governorship.


Stratics Veteran
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You shouldn't be required to "shop around" . The way it should have been done, and most agree should be changed to...is that once you join a town, you can simply choose the buff you want from a list on the town stone. Having a full compliment of Governors and as many as 5 towns with the same buff, is stupid and always has been.
This x1000. The city loyalty system is functionally a trade guild loyalty system for many players.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to become a citizen of MG, who do i see, how do i bring up a menu or whatever?
it is on your player context menu, the one you get by clicking on yourself. Choose Loyalty Rating, City Loyalty, then choose city and declare loyalty to that city and confirm.
