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Christmas Tree deeds are back to deeds:(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, I put up 6-7 tree deeds in bare form last night. Today all are locked down as deeds.

Why? Thank you for your time.

!!! They can be locked down so maybe that will keep them as trees! Worth a try!

Ty Lady Devil, features are always fun, lol!

Locking down the tree DOES NOT work ... so this cannot be done at all? :(


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it's a feature, gives you something to look forward to doing each day :D

imagine Sakkarah will be along soon complaining about the very same thing


Lady Arianne

*gives this thread a bump*

Is there any chance a dev could post some info on whats happening about this problem, as its beginning to get annoying now,having to keep re-deeding these trees

Flora Green

I just left mine laying in deed form. Shouldn't have to bother with re-deeding daily.