Many Guilds (including 3 I have active characters in) are experiencing this Problem:
Guild Leader and in some cases entire Guild Leadership (everyone Ranked above "Member") quit playing. The Guild is rendered powerless to add any new Members, and Powerless to choose a new Guild Leader.
The Knowledgebase lays out a method for current active Members of a Guild to select a new Leader from among active Members. However, even when following these instructions to the letter, and waiting for more than 6 months...the Guild Roster Will NOT Update and reflect a new Guild Leader.
Some of these are very old UO Guilds, some as old as UO itself. The remaining active Members very much want to rebuild their Guild(s).
GM's insist they are powerless to help. Customer Service insist they are powerless to help.
Chrissay, Please tell me you are Able to help.
Mesanna, who is supposedly a UO or EAMythic Official, has told me that if we followed the official procedures and the Guild Roster did not Update, then that is an "In-Game" issue which in-game GM's should attend to.
Where do I/we turn to next???
Please, Please, Help.
Guild Leader and in some cases entire Guild Leadership (everyone Ranked above "Member") quit playing. The Guild is rendered powerless to add any new Members, and Powerless to choose a new Guild Leader.
The Knowledgebase lays out a method for current active Members of a Guild to select a new Leader from among active Members. However, even when following these instructions to the letter, and waiting for more than 6 months...the Guild Roster Will NOT Update and reflect a new Guild Leader.
Some of these are very old UO Guilds, some as old as UO itself. The remaining active Members very much want to rebuild their Guild(s).
GM's insist they are powerless to help. Customer Service insist they are powerless to help.
Chrissay, Please tell me you are Able to help.
Mesanna, who is supposedly a UO or EAMythic Official, has told me that if we followed the official procedures and the Guild Roster did not Update, then that is an "In-Game" issue which in-game GM's should attend to.
Where do I/we turn to next???
Please, Please, Help.