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Chrissay Please Help


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many Guilds (including 3 I have active characters in) are experiencing this Problem:

Guild Leader and in some cases entire Guild Leadership (everyone Ranked above "Member") quit playing. The Guild is rendered powerless to add any new Members, and Powerless to choose a new Guild Leader.

The Knowledgebase lays out a method for current active Members of a Guild to select a new Leader from among active Members. However, even when following these instructions to the letter, and waiting for more than 6 months...the Guild Roster Will NOT Update and reflect a new Guild Leader.

Some of these are very old UO Guilds, some as old as UO itself. The remaining active Members very much want to rebuild their Guild(s).

GM's insist they are powerless to help. Customer Service insist they are powerless to help.

Chrissay, Please tell me you are Able to help.

Mesanna, who is supposedly a UO or EAMythic Official, has told me that if we followed the official procedures and the Guild Roster did not Update, then that is an "In-Game" issue which in-game GM's should attend to.

Where do I/we turn to next???

Please, Please, Help.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will verify that BajaElladan is correct. The explanation on UO.com is false. I'm not sure how UO is tallying votes, but it seems as though inactive votes are being counted somewhere. On guilds where there is still an emissary present, we have been able to add characters and take control of a guild, but guilds with no active emissaries are just plain out of luck.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know you can vote in a new leader dont you?
As far as I know, the majority has to vote for the new leader. However, if 60% of the people on the guild roster are inactive (which is quite common), you're doomed.


Stratics Veteran
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The OFFICIAL Knowledgebase info claims that only members of Member rank and above that has logged in during the last 30 days are counted as voting members.

In one case every active member logging in during the past 30 days all voting for a new Leader has FAILED to result in a Roster change.

This has been repeated in each of the past 6 months.

There is a bug or some other problem because it is NOT working as they claim it is intended.

My current question for Chrissay is since it is NOT working as intended where do we go or call for help???

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I can verify the issue as well. We had the very same problem in my old guild. We tried voting in a new GM, but because the system is bugged it wouldn't work, no matter how much of a majority we had. We ended up creating a new guild. It's a shame voting doesn't work like it's supposed to.

Ellie Greymist

Yes, as Black Sun said we had this problem on Cats with our guild. And not only did we have to create a new guild because we could not vote in a new leader, but the old guild title is now held by a guild of non-existent members led by a non-playing GM.


Seasoned Veteran
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Ive done it & it works, kinda

u need 2/3 +1 extra of all em & member votes (even the inactive ones counts when they shouldnt)

so if u have 30 ems & members ud need 21 votes of that to when... it gets more complicated when u ad more members cuz it puts off the counts :( very frustrating & needs to be fixed


Slightly Crazed
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I agree this is not working properly.

The guild page on UO is WAY out of date...No new members for a long time are included. if the vote count is using this roster (which I suspect it is), it's almost impossible for an old guild to change leaders....

Could we get some official answer please?


Goodman's Rune Library
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Stratics Legend
I've been trying to resurrect the Atlantic UOSS Guild. It still exists but because all the characters in it are inactive (we think) we can't even find out who is on the roster to have a vote. I'd really like to continue the tradition...not start a new guild so I hope you get an answer on this one as well. Everyone I have asked has no answer for me either.


You know I LOATHE pointing out the obvious, but did it ever cross your mind for one second that it is a weekend? Last time I checked the UO team doesn't put in 24 hour 7 day work weeks. Give them some time and calm down, sheesh.

Old Man of UO

You CAN create a new guild, and this is not really an issue that you need a developer to fix. This is what we did way back in 1999, creating a new guild with a similar name. All you need is a way to communicate with all the active members and agree on a new guild name and leader.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I've been trying to resurrect the Atlantic UOSS Guild. It still exists but because all the characters in it are inactive (we think) we can't even find out who is on the roster to have a vote. I'd really like to continue the tradition...not start a new guild so I hope you get an answer on this one as well. Everyone I have asked has no answer for me either.
What guild is UOSS?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You CAN create a new guild, and this is not really an issue that you need a developer to fix. This is what we did way back in 1999, creating a new guild with a similar name. All you need is a way to communicate with all the active members and agree on a new guild name and leader.
Yes it is an issue that they need to deal with. As has been mentioned , some guilds are very old and the history should be preserved. Cant get a guildstone any more . They should address the issue . Creating a new guild is a workaround.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You CAN create a new guild, and this is not really an issue that you need a developer to fix. This is what we did way back in 1999, creating a new guild with a similar name. All you need is a way to communicate with all the active members and agree on a new guild name and leader.
Yes it is an issue that they need to deal with. As has been mentioned , some guilds are very old and the history should be preserved. Cant get a guildstone any more . They should address the issue . Creating a new guild is a workaround.
Many of these Guilds date back to 1997, when few Guilds existed and many names and abbreviations were available. This is not the case today!

The Official Knowledge Base provides how Guild Leader selection is supposed to work. However, it IS NOT working as claimed nor as intended. It therefore is a developer issue, and IS a bug that needs fixed.

I implore someone from EAMythic come here and give us some hope that this will be fixed. Better still I'd apprecite it if a GM in-game fix were provided until such time as the bug is fixed.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same here - in one guild my char is the only one (at member status) who logged in during the last 3 years. No chance to resurrect the guild by adding new members, since the single vote I can give on one single account obviously doesn't count enough.
I also think, that this should be fixed - since old guilds are part of our game history.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Bumped, while impatiently awaiting a response.
I really don't think Chrissay is going to give you any new information Baja. You could place your bet on an in-game GM fixing it but I wouldn't hold your breath.

However! If one of the active members are capable of recruiting, you may be able to get your other characters in the guild to out-weigh the inactive members votes.

Kratos Aurion

I believe the most probable fix in this case would be to develop an age timer where

if charlogin >= 3 months (just an example)
then vote overide may take place

I lulz at my own pathetic pseduocode (newby scripter), but that's how I could see a potential solution to this problem. Basically if a character hasn't logged in over a period of three months or greater, the remaining active player votes under 3 months may over-ride those who are inactive and update the guild leadership accordingly.


Babbling Loonie
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BajaElladan isn't the only one with this problem. To my knowledge, there are several guilds unable to vote in a new leader. It would be nice if they provided some sort of fix for this. As of now, GMs won't transfer leadership.

Lord Frodo

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I really can't say anything else that hasn't been said already by the replies above.

If you haven't read it already here's the FAQ regarding guilds and voting in a new leader:

The problem with this is, it is not working the way it is designed to. The system is broke and all they are asking is for UO to look into this and fix it. How hard would that be to do?

From UO and EA

Ranks and Permissions
There are 5 ranks in a UO guild:
Member - Regular guild members with voting privileges.

Cast Vote For This Member - A guild member can cast their vote for the Guild Leader, either by supporting the current leadership or trying to get someone else to the top.

Select the Cast Vote for this Member option. You will see a message that states, "You cast your vote for [Players Name] for guild leader." After two-thirds (66%) of the guild's active members (ones who have logged in in the past 30 days ) have cast their vote for the same character, that character will be made the new guild leader. The guild system is updated several times per day, so the guild leader change may not be updated immediately.
This does not work, it needs to be fixed.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's broken.

The guild I am refering to has had one member log in since 2006. She is the rank of Member. And she has tried numerous times to vote for herself and become its new Guildmistress, but nothing happens.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really can't say anything else that hasn't been said already by the replies above.

If you haven't read it already here's the FAQ regarding guilds and voting in a new leader:

Chrissay, you certainly CAN and SHOULD address the FACT that the system is broken and does NOT work as intended nor as stated. Are developers aware of this? Do they intend to fix what is broken? Will they provide an option OTHER than resigning from the Guild?

Correct me if Im mistaken but isnt part of your job to respond to such questions and provide such answers? I mean no disrespect, but Guilds are a MAJOR part of UO and have been for a very long time. And this is broken and needs fixed or help given in game.

Please answer more fully?


I agree. This is a rather important issue. Some guilds with what can be considered historical significance on their particular shards are in danger of becoming extinct. Even with some old timers left, these guilds can only be expected to continue for so long before the inevitable happens. I speak from first hand experience as some of the guilds I proudly ran with over the years that had very well known and documented histories are now obsolete and rotting away if not gone altogether because of this or similar issues. Without the ability to bring in new members a guild is put on a virtual death row.

I don't think this feature has worked since well before guildstones were done away with and even then I believe it was buggy. Fix it!!! :wall:


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I really can't say anything else that hasn't been said already by the replies above.

If you haven't read it already here's the FAQ regarding guilds and voting in a new leader:

Been a while since I've seen such a poor response. Do you even understand the question?
Hopefully she does and is only following the pre-set ultima online support procedures that have been in practice for years. That being don't give a crap about minor issues. Yet you should mention the word sandbox in every interview but not actually mean it. Ever since 99 UO customer service has been for *&^%.


It's possible that not all members in the guilds are inactive.

Meaning that if I make a character on Atlantic and join guild A. I decide I really don't like it on Atlantic and I want to play Pacific and join guild B. I'm still logging into UO and have the choice to log back on to Atlantic and either remove myself from the guild, vote, or come back.

Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's possible that not all members in the guilds are inactive.

Meaning that if I make a character on Atlantic and join guild A. I decide I really don't like it on Atlantic and I want to play Pacific and join guild B. I'm still logging into UO and have the choice to log back on to Atlantic and either remove myself from the guild, vote, or come back.

Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.
What is the likelihood that a guild leader of a huge guild is going to say "I'm moving to Atlantic"? Champs on Chessy did it many many times, but a majority of the guild moved back and forth as well.

This seems to be more of a case where players just dont log in anymore, even though they may or may not be paying for their accounts.

Also if you are a guild leader and you leave to a different shard, too bad if you get voted out.

In fact, you should not even be able to transfer shards while guilded...

edit: If I can only place on house per account on only one shard, then why should I be able to transfer to a different shard while still guilded?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It's possible that not all members in the guilds are inactive.

Meaning that if I make a character on Atlantic and join guild A. I decide I really don't like it on Atlantic and I want to play Pacific and join guild B. I'm still logging into UO and have the choice to log back on to Atlantic and either remove myself from the guild, vote, or come back.

Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.
If I am on Baja and join a guild then transfer to Napa, wouldn't the guild page on UO.com stay updated when I looked at it from the Baja Guild page? So what you are saying is that Guild name will show up on the new shard. Or will it even show up at all? We are not talking about active/inactive accounts. We are talking about is you go to the Guild page on UO.Com and it showes ONE member then that member should be able to elect them self Guild Leader.

Maybe a Dev should tell us how this really works. The Guild system was set up long before you were able to transfer toons. If what you are trying to say is true, then no Guild member should be allowed to move to another shard. Guilds need to be tied to the shard they were made on, only.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.
You may want to remind your "experts" what game they are being an "expert" on. The last 2 calls I or my wife have made to gm have ended with

Thank you for playing Warhammer online

So you will have to pardon us if we don't exactly have the same faith in their expertise as you do. We've actually dealt with them.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Here is more from the Guild Page http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31013

Members of your guild who are currently online will appear green in the list. Members who have not logged in for 30 days or longer will be considered inactive and their names will appear gray in the list.
Choosing a new Guild Leader
The Guild Leader voting system allows guild members to determine their Guild Leader. You can cast your vote a new Guild Leader by selecting a guild member on the Guild Roster page.

Guild Leader voting details and restrictions:

If a guild member becomes inactive, their vote is no longer valid, nor are they counted towards the total number of votes when determining a majority.
When a guild member other than the current Guild Leader achieves a 2/3 majority of the votes, they will replace the current Guild Leader.
So if I am the only GREEN Member on that page then I should have a 2/3 majority. In fact I should have a 3/3 or 100% majority and what I say goes.



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Stratics Legend
*Rolls Up Sleeves*

Okay, I am going to try one more time to communicate with Chrissay.

I have a character in a Guild (call it BG for Broken Guild). This Guild Roster shows 9 members and 1 Guild Leader. The Guild Leader last logged on his Guild Leader character 3 years ago (the Guild Roster displays this). Five (5) members all last logged onto their characters 2 years ago. Four (4) members have all logged onto their Guild characters every month for the past 2 years. According to the Knowledge Base, only these 4 members are counted as current, active members with voting powers. All 4 of these members have cast all 4 votes for "Sam". The OFFICIAL UO Knowledge Base Claims the game mechanics will tally only these 4 votes and update the Guild roster several times per day.

THIS IS BROKEN & IS NOT WORKING as the Knowledge Base claims it is supposed to work!

Bug Reports and Feedback reports have been submitted. Calls have been made to Customer Service. In Game Game Masters (GM's) have been repeatedly paged. And You have been notified in this and other Threads.

We Are Asking that the Broken Guild Roster update function be FIXED and made to work as claimed and as intended.

Your responses are A) Quit the Guild and start over.
B) Maybe members are logging in on other servers, and the game mechanics count them for vote purposes, but Roster doesnt show they logged in cuz they are on another server

C,Mon Chrissay, those are either absurd answers or crap answers.

In many cases these are Legacy Guilds in place for 12 years.

I am asking you to talk to folks you work with. Ask them why it is broken? Ask them can it be fixed? Ask them to fix it! And let us know what they say.

Please, dear gods of gaming, tell me this is clear and that Chrissay understands this.

And PLEASE Get us paying Players some straight answers.

If the answer is "Screw You, you are only paying idiots!" Okay. But at least talk to your fellow staff members who understand game mechanics and get us some straight answers.



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
after reading thru this it really sounds as tho the rank of 'member' is not being counted as a vote, especially that instance of a single person in the guild with that rank being unable to elevate to guild leader

wish I had something more helpful for y'all, sounds terribly frustrating


Lore Master
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UO costumer support strikes again.
I can't believe the blantancy of the crappy answers we're been provided with whn this is clearly an issue -many- people are dealing with. (This is not an issue I've dealt with, but I know a good deal of other people have)
Chrissay, are you sick or something? You gave horrible answers to this post and in the Halloween thread, you posted something completely off topic about a hack when nothing in the discussion talked about a hack.


With the guild situation our hands are tied because we are not able to give you personal information about your other guild members. This should be handled by the ingame GMs as they are able to fully investigate each issue. I was trying to give a generic example of one of the things that might be happening. The best thing to do is to page a GM for them to investigate this. As there are many human and privacy factors involved.

In regards of the other comment it was supposed to be for a different thread :|

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's possible that not all members in the guilds are inactive.

Meaning that if I make a character on Atlantic and join guild A. I decide I really don't like it on Atlantic and I want to play Pacific and join guild B. I'm still logging into UO and have the choice to log back on to Atlantic and either remove myself from the guild, vote, or come back.

Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.
I bolded the bad part, the misinformation. This is not true, I ahve transferred shard to shard, and the moment you do, you are wiped of any guild affiliation.
So to say that a guildmember is being counted as having logged in on another shard, doesn't work....They are no longer members the moment they click the little dot that says "Transfer Me".


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the guild situation our hands are tied because we are not able to give you personal information about your other guild members. This should be handled by the ingame GMs as they are able to fully investigate each issue. I was trying to give a generic example of one of the things that might be happening. The best thing to do is to page a GM for them to investigate this. As there are many human and privacy factors involved.

In regards of the other comment it was supposed to be for a different thread :|
It's already been stated that the In Game GMs are NOT helping, and they're just asking for a broken system to be fixed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's possible that not all members in the guilds are inactive.

Meaning that if I make a character on Atlantic and join guild A. I decide I really don't like it on Atlantic and I want to play Pacific and join guild B. I'm still logging into UO and have the choice to log back on to Atlantic and either remove myself from the guild, vote, or come back.

Due to our privacy policy the GMs hands are tied and they are not allowed to tell you if an account is really active or inactive. I would take the advice of the GMs ingame and make your decision based off of what they say. They are the experts.
I bolded the bad part, the misinformation. This is not true, I ahve transferred shard to shard, and the moment you do, you are wiped of any guild affiliation.
So to say that a guildmember is being counted as having logged in on another shard, doesn't work....They are no longer members the moment they click the little dot that says "Transfer Me".
I think you may have read that wrong. It has nothing to do with transfers.

Suppose you make Character X on Atlantic. You become GM. Decide you don't like it on Atlantic.

So you make Character Y on Great Lakes. You like it there, you keep playing, never going back to Atlantic.

Character X won't show up as ever being logged in, because the owner of the account is always playing Character Y.

She's saying they can't tell you that "We can't get rid of character X because the owner of the account is playing character Y somewhere else." because of privacy regulations.


If you could please send me in PMs the account name you paged in with (NO PASSWORDS) customer support will review these tickets for a 2nd look.


UOEC Modder
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I think you may have read that wrong. It has nothing to do with transfers.

Suppose you make Character X on Atlantic. You become GM. Decide you don't like it on Atlantic.

So you make Character Y on Great Lakes. You like it there, you keep playing, never going back to Atlantic.

Character X won't show up as ever being logged in, because the owner of the account is always playing Character Y.

She's saying they can't tell you that "We can't get rid of character X because the owner of the account is playing character Y somewhere else." because of privacy regulations.
All i can say to that, be sure you have a good Guildmaster! A good Guildmaster will never leave UO without saying any word or doing any action, if so maybe you were inactive when he leaves and doenst see a sense to name a new guildmaster...


Stratics Veteran
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Hail Folks,

I have been persistent, some might even say a royal pain in pressing my questions and seeking answers and help.

To be FAIR, I now add a Thank You Very Much to ChrissayEAMythic for her replies and for now investigating the GM pages.

I truly do want to find a fix or even a go around to allow these Legacy Guilds to continue and hopefully rebuild.

Thank you also to everyone who read and posted in support of this issue.

Let us hope a fix is coming.


Magdalena Chef

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If the GM can verify the guildmaster of the guild no longer has a valid account they can fix this for you. If most members left in the guild are ronins of course you know that they can't vote so it wouldn't affect the outcome. I am sorry but your only solution is to page a GM.


This was a response I received after 7 months of trying to have the same guild issues dealt with that are mentioned above. I contacted the GMs, they do not know what they are doing, I gave them this solution, they said they have no way to resolve this, I was told to report it as a bug. I have done that, I have paged Gms, the GMs have threatened to tag my account for harrassing them. I was told to contact EAMythic, I did that. I was told to contact customer support and report it as a bug. I've done all of that. Nothing works. Customer support cannot help. EAMythic cannot help, the GMs cannot help. I was told to contact Warhammer.

My guildmaster has not been in-game since 2005. I am the only member currently active or playing. In theory I am 100% of the voting members, I have voted for myself, that does not work (and this is not a "wait and it updates" - it's been over 7 months).

My guild is one of the oldest with over 100 members in the roster, it is one of the oldest on Baja. I am one of the oldest players on Baja.

It's a sad thing that something like this cannot be resolved. When the GMs were given the directions about what to do they still said they couldn't help. Can it please be looked into?

Eyes of Origin

It does sound broken :( I know that on Origin, we booted our GM and an emmy because they were not playing on the same server anymore and made it clear they werent coming back, but we had 2 active emmys and almost everyone on the roster was active. We booted the inactive players who could not vote and everyone else voted for a new GL.. it took about a week for it to actually work and it took every single player and all their chars to make it happen.
But, like I said, this was in an active guild. It sounds like ones that have a majority of inactive players are the ones having the problems. Maybe they need to fix the system and if a GL is inactive on a shard or in game at all after a certain amount of time, they get removed from the GL spot, demoted to a member and GL defaults to the most active Member or Emmy.


Stratics Veteran
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If the GM can verify the guildmaster of the guild no longer has a valid account they can fix this for you. If most members left in the guild are ronins of course you know that they can't vote so it wouldn't affect the outcome. I am sorry but your only solution is to page a GM.


This was a response I received after 7 months of trying to have the same guild issues dealt with that are mentioned above. I contacted the GMs, they do not know what they are doing, I gave them this solution, they said they have no way to resolve this, I was told to report it as a bug. I have done that, I have paged Gms, the GMs have threatened to tag my account for harrassing them. I was told to contact EAMythic, I did that. I was told to contact customer support and report it as a bug. I've done all of that. Nothing works. Customer support cannot help. EAMythic cannot help, the GMs cannot help. I was told to contact Warhammer.

My guildmaster has not been in-game since 2005. I am the only member currently active or playing. In theory I am 100% of the voting members, I have voted for myself, that does not work (and this is not a "wait and it updates" - it's been over 7 months).

My guild is one of the oldest with over 100 members in the roster, it is one of the oldest on Baja. I am one of the oldest players on Baja.

It's a sad thing that something like this cannot be resolved. When the GMs were given the directions about what to do they still said they couldn't help. Can it please be looked into?
Hail Mags,

I am 144 months, almost all of it on Baja. I know your frustration. Hopefully Chrissay will bring us some help.

Mesanna told me in game to page GM and they would deal with my situation. But when Paged, GM's all said, nope, cant help ya.


Elladan of Baja


Hail Mags,

I am 144 months, almost all of it on Baja. I know your frustration. Hopefully Chrissay will bring us some help.

Mesanna told me in game to page GM and they would deal with my situation. But when Paged, GM's all said, nope, cant help ya.


Elladan of Baja
You know, for them to actually do anything that would present an overall fix for this issue would ALSO require them to rewrite things on how guilds are done, and, honestly, with all the OTHER stuff that requires more important attention I can't see them putting forth the resources at this time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, for them to actually do anything that would present an overall fix for this issue would ALSO require them to rewrite things on how guilds are done, and, honestly, with all the OTHER stuff that requires more important attention I can't see them putting forth the resources at this time.
What I actually "know," is that for this NOT to work as claimed and intended is a BUG. We are routinely asked to report BUGS so that they may be FIXED.

This one has been reported and needs FIXin.

If it is a Massive Bug a la Men in Black, and will require years to fix, then empower in game GameMasters (GM's) to read Guild Rosters and where Guild Leaders have been absent for more than a year, allow a GM to replace the Guild Leader with an active member so that the Guild may continue to function, thrive and Grow.

But for now, ChrissayEAMythic is investigating. Let us await her next response.

Elladan of Baja


Lore Master
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What I actually "know," is that for this NOT to work as claimed and intended is a BUG. We are routinely asked to report BUGS so that they may be FIXED.

This one has been reported and needs FIXin.

If it is a Massive Bug a la Men in Black, and will require years to fix, then empower in game GameMasters (GM's) to read Guild Rosters and where Guild Leaders have been absent for more than a year, allow a GM to replace the Guild Leader with an active member so that the Guild may continue to function, thrive and Grow.

But for now, ChrissayEAMythic is investigating. Let us await her next response.

Elladan of Baja
I'm excited that someone got on top of this and hopefully we'll get a fix. If the guild coding has to be changed, then so be it. If anything it'll be for the better and not for the worst.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
There are a few other guild/alliance issues that should be addressed... Perhaps these could all be fixed together.