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Chocolate Tree Seeds - Release Delayed!


Seasoned Veteran
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Draconi posted this response on UHall:

Moved to a later publish, potentially Pub 52 - there are some higher priority items ahead of them though now

I'm disappointed that we have to wait - but so glad that Draconi posted an answer to the query! Does anyone know what publish we're on now?

imported_Fran Fury

Yes, I am happy he finally replied too. I really really hope it doesn't get pushed back again.


Anyone got the addy for EA/Mythic? We could bribe him with chocolates?


Seasoned Veteran
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AND we've been pushed yet again.

To pub 53.

Where is my tequila?!? It will comfort me while I weep over chocolate tree seed delay.


imported_Fran Fury

I feel your pain..I too am very sad over yet another delay.

Why do they torment us so? *shakes fist*


I've been rather negative lately and vocal about the trees so I'll just add my disappointment as well. However, I sincerely appreciate Draconi's fast response this time.

I just don't understand how they can find time to add silly hued bunnies to the game, but not add the trees which obviously serve more of a purpose.

NaKasha Saran

At least that gives us all plenty of time to collect 60k in fertile dirt!


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I didn't take Jeremy's comment about the fertile dirt as that we HAD to use it - just that we might want to so that we could see what the new plants looked like as fast as possible.

I could be wrong though...

IF the new plants will only grow in Fertile Dirt, then I really hope that they reduce the number of pieces needed to fill each bowl.


I didn't take Jeremy's comment about the fertile dirt as that we HAD to use it - just that we might want to so that we could see what the new plants looked like as fast as possible.

I could be wrong though...

IF the new plants will only grow in Fertile Dirt, then I really hope that they reduce the number of pieces needed to fill each bowl.

yeah, i thought the same.