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((IMPORTANT NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THIS AUCTION WORKS BEFORE YOU SIGN UP FOR IT! All items should be RP/novelty/silly items and not actual rares/valuables as they will NOT be secure. Items/lots should be creative interpretations/presentations of common items, NOT actual rares. Make sure you bring a variety of random stuff to bid with. Also, you MUST either reserve a spot in this thread or PM/ICQ me as we will only be running 20 sellers for this unique auction.))
Today I visited the auction house and to my horror found something pinned to the door. Surely this was not another threatening note about a kidnapped daughter!
Today I visited the auction house and to my horror found something pinned to the door. Surely this was not another threatening note about a kidnapped daughter!

To my relief, I found that it was not. Instead it was this message:

There was also some melted ice cream on the auction house steps. Clearly the work of a goblin.
Time for another goblin auction apparently! Details were scarce, so I tracked down the only goblin I knew who had the temerity to paste a poster for her own auction onto my auction house door--Soozie Squidglet, who ran the previous Pitmuck Auction.

Once again I found Soozie at the Pitmuck playground riding the merry go round and asked her about the sign. After a while I was able to gather the following details:
- The Goblin Auction will be held during the ChessieFest 2015 Pre-Fest on Monday, September 14th at 7PM ET.
- Since goblins live in caves and do not have an auction house, the auction will be held in the ChessieFest bar area.
- Soozie Squidglet and Squishy will be running it.
- All items should be RP/novelty/silly items and not actual rares/valuables as they will NOT be secure. This is a SILLY RP EVENT!
- Sellers will present their own items! Tell auction-goers all about your item and why it is worth buying!
- Each seller may contribute only ONE item/lot.
- There is a maximum of 20 lots for the entire auction. (This, apparently, is as high as goblins can count.) Please respond to this thread to reserve an auction slot! You can include a brief description of your item, but please save the full description for the auction itself.
- This is a barter auction. Bidders will bid whatever they have on them to trade for whatever is up for auction, and the seller will choose his/her favorite bid to trade.
- Non-paying bidders and other undesirables will probably be peed on. Such is goblinkind.
Soozie is really excited about this auction, and I offered to help by passing the word along. The exact location will be announced and added to this post as soon as possible. Hope to see you there!
Remember you MUST sign up as space is very limited!
Current signup list:
1. Soozie Squidglet
2. Ozog Giantfard
3. Icky Rotblossom
4. Tinky Footz
5. Phoenix
7. Niva the Savage
8. Tigger
9. Eden
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