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Chesapeakes New Fair Grounds

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Our Former EM Tailspin Made a contest on Chesapeake to Design our Fair Grounds. Em Dudley announced the winning design last night which was mine. So I figured I would show the design and give out a Shout Out to our EMs for holding cool events like this and the fishing tourney event and the T-hunting event and showing up at player run events to show support. (Our EMS Rock!)

*Some things might not appear when it is built due to server lag etc etc.
*Also Each Tent will have a Roof just didn't put it in the picture.

(This was done with Paint and insideuo for all you trolls that are going to yell. If you look close you will see the messups like the gypsey tent corner and mushrooms etc.)

The Jail area is for our RP Savages and Orcs. You Cant leave out the Savs and Orcs because they will come and clomp you. They need Lub too!
