Lord Gareth
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Welcome to Chesapeake Rares Fest 2011!
Located in the player run township of Merxmere and hosted by Lord Gareth, Lineman and the Ethereal Void Imperium.We are all very excited to host the first Rares Festival of the year here on the Chesapeake shard. Basic Rares Festival information you will need is written below. We hope you enjoy yourselves and find every rare you are looking for oh and regular bacon is not allowed at the festival, it is offensive to Elvis the pig.
Rares Festival Event Schedule [Click Here]
Global Chat Channel
Rares Fest
Host Icq Numbers
Lord Gareth:267944224
If you are planning to attend the EM Events [Click Here]
Rare Auction House
Location: West side of Merxmere
(teleport tile located in the Fire pit vendor mall)
Hosts: Demon Slayer and Sundina
Demon Slayer and Sundina are the ONLY people who can accept items for the Rare Auction House. NO other staff member or host may accept them, NO exceptions!!!
ICQ Numbers
Demon Slayer 102388892
Sundina 95509325
Bids will be taken via the bulletin boards until 5:59 pm eastern time on Sunday January 30th. This means that the last bid you can enter is at 5:59, once it hits 6:00, no bids from that time and on will count, the auction house will be made private at this point in time as well.
Vendor Malls
Location: East side of Merxmere
Hosts: Lord Gareth, WildStar, Sheila and Mirt
Books have been locked down on the rental deeds for players who have reserved a vendor. If you did not reserve a vendor and there are deeds without books on them, then you may request that vendor spot. Vendors can be rented out by these four players, if one is not online then try contacting another one.
1. NO naked vendors (If you make a naked vendor you will be banned from all vendor malls, auction house and your vendor will be covered in gozas)
2. You may move your vendor deed to a spot that does not already have a reserve book on it.
3. Swapping vendor spots with your friend can only be done by Lord Gareth.
4. No stocking harbinger crystals (Don't even complain about it, unless you are willing to take responsibility for player deaths and replace lost items)
5. Have your vendors face outwards
ICQ Numbers
Lord Gareth 267944224
WildStar 8040775
Sheila 151699391
Mirt 573882459
SHE Auction House
Location:Zedland City in Malas
Hosts:Zelda of Zed, Rivi Ravenwynd, Daktari Zinn and Shelra
Chesapeakes oldest and longest running auction house will be holding a regular auction on Saturday at 7pm ET. You can submit items to the auction at 6:15pm ET. During the auction look out for Pop up Vendors and Floor bag release.
ICQ Numbers
Zelda of Zed 278781346
Rivi Ravenwynd 442577511
Location: Probably on top of your character
Hosts: Annoying players who were unpopular and picked on in High School
Harbingers are such beautiful creatures until they target you. If harbingers are releasedwait why am I saying if? WHEN harbingers are released try not to run all over gods green earth or fight it right in the middle of everyone, causing more players to die. All Harbingers should be taken NORTH of the festival malls. If you want to help kill the harbinger please lead it away, so the acid doesn't spray all over Bliss Marie's new dress. We want to minimize player deaths.
If the harbinger targets you please try leading it away from the malls. Contact a Rares Fest Staff member in global chat or icq and they will dispatch the E.H.T (Elite Harbinger Team) to take care of it. They have years of experience due to Gunga Dinn living on the Chesapeake Shard.
Player Run Township Tours
Township: Aryslan City (Felucca)
Host: Jamlyn
Aryslan City located in the Felucca facet is one of Chesapeakes most historic and still thriving townships. They actively host some of the most wonderful events such as Casino night at the Bow and Whip. However this city is not for the faint of heart, it is for those with a heart of courage. Aryslan is historically and still known as the front line defense against the evil and vile Mazrim, who ravaged the lands of our world in the earlier days. Followers of Mazrim can still be found lurking around and Mazrim's essence still lingers in the..You can hear more by attending the tour!
Township: The City of Kijustsu Anei Village (Tokuno)
Host: Lord Gareth
The City of Kijustsu Anei Village located on the Tokuno Islands is the Capital city of the Ethereal Void Imperium. KAV for short was founded in 2007 and became an independent township in 2009 with just five citizens. Through hard work, the ability to adapt and a reputation for welcoming anyone wishing to be a positive addition, they laid the foundation for the Ethereal Void Imperium entity which now consists of 8 different townships. Besides being the Capital of the EVI the township is best known for its chaotic nature and community service events. From Savages and Paladins to a mixed batch of KAV leadership from different shards such as Baja, you never know what they are going to do next! Which keeps things very interesting..