Lissa Eldi
I'm seeing other shards continue to have EM's holding events and what not.
Ours seem to be largely MIA. Vladimere is still showing up on occasion in Luna, and has stated he will show up to events IF invited (I'm not clear how one invites him even), but Dudley hasnt really been seen in several weeks. We had an rp storyline going with him that has just been dropped without a word, and no weekly meetings or anything like we used to have.
No silly little fun events, fishing tournaments etc...nothing.
Also there was a website devoted to the Chesapeake EMs and their events and doings, and that has not been updated since June, nor does the "contact us" button work.
Devs, community reps...What's the deal?
Ours seem to be largely MIA. Vladimere is still showing up on occasion in Luna, and has stated he will show up to events IF invited (I'm not clear how one invites him even), but Dudley hasnt really been seen in several weeks. We had an rp storyline going with him that has just been dropped without a word, and no weekly meetings or anything like we used to have.
No silly little fun events, fishing tournaments etc...nothing.
Also there was a website devoted to the Chesapeake EMs and their events and doings, and that has not been updated since June, nor does the "contact us" button work.
Devs, community reps...What's the deal?