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Chesapeake EMs?


Lissa Eldi

I'm seeing other shards continue to have EM's holding events and what not.

Ours seem to be largely MIA. Vladimere is still showing up on occasion in Luna, and has stated he will show up to events IF invited (I'm not clear how one invites him even), but Dudley hasnt really been seen in several weeks. We had an rp storyline going with him that has just been dropped without a word, and no weekly meetings or anything like we used to have.

No silly little fun events, fishing tournaments etc...nothing.

Also there was a website devoted to the Chesapeake EMs and their events and doings, and that has not been updated since June, nor does the "contact us" button work.

Devs, community reps...What's the deal?


Ive been saying this since Tailspin left....

Our EM's are horrible except Dudley...who has gone poof =\

Lissa Eldi

At first I speculated that maybe they were keeping them busy running the SA lead-in stuff on all the shards, but in reading forums I see that other shards continue to have events.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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im not on chessy but the same is going on with sonoma. last ive seen anything from our ems was at the end of the cloaks of silence handout, they were online one nite for that and nothing since. I can understand if RL issues are the cause but theres no word. on sonoma the only info towards ems we have is a town crier at luna who's been saying the same thing since early july.

Nastia Cross

I kinda feel bad for our EMs. I know Vladimire has been taking alot of heat lately from people who are so desperate to get their free Cloaks of Silence. Someone actually stood outside the house he placed in Brit and cursed at everyone around for at least 5-10 minutes He had some choice things to say to Vlad who said, yeah I don't get paid for this and left. The EMs are people and have lives outside this game and are VOLUNTEERS. That being said, they did make a commitment and it would be nice if they were a little more involved in Chessy. I know I've seen Dudley on other shards running events with the EMs from those shards (a pvp event in particular which I was disappointed to see, especially since we've been asking for one on Chessy). Who's in charge of the EMs anyway? Do they have a supervisor from EA/Mythic?

Lissa Eldi

I think the people who are nasty to the EMs are in the minority, I can say I never have been.

Also they are not volunteers they are paid employees, so perhaps he meant he doesnt get paid enough for it, or it isnt part of the job description hehe.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
The EMs are people and have lives outside this game and are VOLUNTEERS.
And it is for this reason that they should never be used to give out in game items.

It is one thing to moderate or set up an event, but it's a whole other thing to have these people give items out.

Every single item that is in UO should only be obtainable via normal game play without interaction from a GM Or EM.


EM's giving out items is no problem....But if the EM cant handle someone getting throwing a fit and not getting something....Well then they shouldnt have taken the role.

EM's have had to deal with this in the past, and they will deal with it now and in the future. The EM's have alot of options to them to handle these people, Vlad just needs to learn to actually do them instead of getting upset and leaving.

Lissa Eldi

I kinda feel bad for our EMs. I know Vladimire has been taking alot of heat lately from people who are so desperate to get their free Cloaks of Silence. Someone actually stood outside the house he placed in Brit and cursed at everyone around for at least 5-10 minutes He had some choice things to say to Vlad who said, yeah I don't get paid for this and left.
It seems I read that mechanics were put in place for this kind of thing where the EMs could remove the person from the area, squelch them, or even the players could report the idiot if they were being cursed.

Who's in charge of the EMs anyway? Do they have a supervisor from EA/Mythic?
I'd like to know this too.


It seems I read that mechanics were put in place for this kind of thing where the EMs could remove the person from the area, squelch them, or even the players could report the idiot if they were being cursed.

I'd like to know this too.

The EMs have no powers to squelch or remove people (except for in their EM house like all houseowners). They should have this power, and many have asked for it to be given to them because of the 1% of idiots that ruin events, but EA hasn't done anything.

And the lead EM in charge of the others is Messana.


The EMs have no powers to squelch or remove people (except for in their EM house like all houseowners). They should have this power, and many have asked for it to be given to them because of the 1% of idiots that ruin events, but EA hasn't done anything.

And the lead EM in charge of the others is Messana.
They DO have channels to GM's tho who CAN do this....And trust me...I have seen it done on other shards. Ive even seen Tailspin do it...Haven't seen Vlad choose to do so tho.


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I would imagine that they are strapped by the same thing as the rest of us... the availability of a GM to lend a hand


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
EM's giving out items is no problem....But if the EM cant handle someone getting throwing a fit and not getting something....Well then they shouldnt have taken the role.

EM's have had to deal with this in the past, and they will deal with it now and in the future. The EM's have alot of options to them to handle these people, Vlad just needs to learn to actually do them instead of getting upset and leaving.
I cant say I agree, but that doesn't make you wrong and me right.

I can say that I do not normally participate in these types of events, as well as I work full time for a living and sometimes cant be on when they are on. I should be able to obtain these items in game without having to buy one off of a vendor or being around during an event.

Also whenever you add the human element to things it is usually followed by greed and/or corruption, not that I'm saying the EM's are corrupt, but they would have the ability to save items for friends or not give items to certain people if they don't feel like it or just horde items.


not that I'm saying the EM's are corrupt, but they would have the ability to save items for friends or not give items to certain people if they don't feel like it or just horde items.
That is true, but that is also why you cannot be an EM of a shard you play.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
i think they should make any and all items from ems non tradeable. You get one, its yours and you cant trade or vendor it. too bad EA wont allocate funds to hire a em staff, then it would be more organized and streamlined.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is true, but that is also why you cannot be an EM of a shard you play.
Yes this is very true, but it still leaves the chance that there can be problems. I only play Chessy, but I know tons of people on other shards. Most of my guild moved to Atl, so if I was an EM on Atl, I could favor them.

That is why I think the EM's should not be able to give out items. I like the fact that they can set up events and such but jus6t no items....

Now with this said, let me clarify a bit. If the item is only a decoration with no modifiers to armor or weapons then I might be ok with it. But things like the old Sashes with ManaRegen on them are just wrong.

Nastia Cross

But if the EM cant handle someone getting throwing a fit and not getting something....Well then they shouldnt have taken the role.
I wasn't saying the person was throwing a fit, the person was calling Vlad and everyone else around all sorts of vile names and telling them all kinds of nasty things he will do to them (the sort of things I will not repeat and would get me banned from stratics if I did). So Vlad should just have to take this? Honestly, if it were me I would have done the same thing and left. There's no call for treating the EMs with anything other than respect, no matter your opinion of them. It must be tiring for them to deal with the constant item greed from much of the populace. It ruins the game for the majority of the players who just want to attend events and have a good time.

Nastia Cross

Also they are not volunteers they are paid employees, so perhaps he meant he doesnt get paid enough for it, or it isnt part of the job description hehe.
I guess I was mistaken, I was under the impression that they were volunteers. I apologize.


You could put the character typing vile remarks on ignore, one way round it?


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Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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wow... this is why i wish EA hired me as an EM, id be on a lot to do different events, i would not mind handing out items, hell id even give items out with little to no effort from the players... something dudley said he would never do, he wouldn't even give out a sash with his name on it.... also i thoroughly enjoy arguing with people so if people started in with me i would not mind at all saying whatever came to mind to them, Vlad needs to learn how to not get his feelings hurt by someone he'll never meet in rl and learn to argue back with them

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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You need to contact Mesanna of EA/Mythic. She is your go to Lady for the EMs

Please also keep in mind that EMs only have to do so many things a month. Some EMs just love being EMs and just are on all the time.

Your best way to get ahold of Mesanna is to throw some pies at her.

Also don't forget that the EMs are most likely going to have to retrain for the new client as well. They will also need to learn SA to do a good job.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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wow... this is why i wish EA hired me as an EM, id be on a lot to do different events, i would not mind handing out items, hell id even give items out with little to no effort from the players... something dudley said he would never do, he wouldn't even give out a sash with his name on it.... also i thoroughly enjoy arguing with people so if people started in with me i would not mind at all saying whatever came to mind to them, Vlad needs to learn how to not get his feelings hurt by someone he'll never meet in rl and learn to argue back with them
Oh Joker..... my dear friend Joker...... Oh no...... no no no.... Hmm you know what... I am going to let you go on this one. Besides your hunger for gold you would be fair. Okay you can be Chesapeakes Third EM. :p


They were on line every night for a week. Sorry you missed it. They also ran a PvP tournament and showed up at the shard's summer fest planning session. Sorry you missed those. They also said they would do a scavenger hunt for the Summer festival.
They also held a PvP meeting to try to see where the shard wanted the PvP to go. Sorry you missed that. I see the Sonoma EM'S often.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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EMs can't give out items with out Mythic giving the OK, and even then its very rare. Aside from the pies and cloaks, the Great Lakes have only ever given out things about 5 times, and 4 of those times it was loot on high-end creatures.

GL has at least one event a week that furthers the plot. :danceb:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to agree that I have not seen many events going on lately.
But I think your being a bit harsh on Vladimere, I have seem him around more than any of our previous EM's
Now as far as Dudley, I can't remember when I had seen him last.

And as far as EM's handing out things, I think the Cloaks were handled the best I have seen so far.
One per account per day, with enough the 2 days that I had seen for everyone that showed up to get one.


Yall better back off my vladimere before my ink pen starts to fire!


I agree that the way things are going for announcements many don't know about. Heck I try to follow Vladimere and Dudley as close as possible but, I missed the summer event planning and the PvP dueling thing. I can see some people keep Em events quiet and just want to do it for themselves. Eh oh well. I will try and seek our Vladimere. Maybe we can get a new way for these events to be posted. I would gladly leave a bulletin board at the UOSS house I work out of. They can post when events will happen and such and I can try to be there and cover it.

Please don't think the Ems aren't doing anything because the news didn't pick it up. Sometimes we cannot be every all the time either. Sometimes I want to go to the pool and swim and not report on an event heheh.