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Chemistry with Alchemy? (Mutated Potions Idea)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't thought of all the specifics for this idea but I've been drafting a rough outline and here it is! Any feedback or constructive criticisms will be appreciated. Thanks!

Chemistry - Creating Mutated Potions
(Add-on skill for GM Alchemists)

'Mutated' kegs are concotions of existing potions within the world. Mutated kegs can be created by adding smaller portions of a potion to a larger base (base potion is 51-95% of the keg, mixed with smaller amount of one or more potions to fill it).

Example; Base is 75% invisibility potions mixed with 25% strength to give a chance (percentage) of making a mutant concotion that will allow the user to become invisible and resist passive or active detection by 5 seconds (the strength part).

Example; Base 75% deadly poison mixed with 15% parasitic poison and 10% greater conflaguration. If mutated, keg will produce throwable poison pots that create a 5x5 tile of deadly poison fields with parasitic mites that bite and poison the flesh.

* All mutant kegs have a small percentage of being created, just as with mutant plants.

Things to consider;
- Should the keg 'ferment' for 24 hours before it's ready to use and it's possible mutation is revealed?
- If certain mixes aren't compatible, the keg should explode causing damage to the alchemist.
- What will happen to kegs that do not mutate? Will they become their primary base? (First example, that keg if not mutated will become an invisiblity keg.)
- Will mixes be accidently revealed via trial and error or will there be a recipe book of sorts to guide the alchemist to creating a possible mutant keg?

This is the furthest I've gotten trying to trouble shoot and plan. Was a spur of the moment idea while making kegs this morning. :p