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Cheap Summer Fun


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok all of you are at the very least somewhat creative. So help me out here with some ideas for cheap summer fun for my nephew. He's six and spending the summer with us. We live in Georgia, sooooooooooo yeah like crafty, natural things would be good.:lol:


sidewalk chalk... feed ducks at the park... take him to the mall to play on the playground stuff (air conditioned).. go to the lake, river, pool, whatev.. teach him to fish.. uhm..


buy him ultima online and teach him how to do Bods


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lols thanks dear for the great suggestions, some of them I hadn't thought of... as for uo I have an acct i could turn him loose on, oddly enough a BOD Runner acct! But I can't get him off the 360, the lil shyte is a COD pro already! He either plays that or lego starwars on the wii... go figure. One extreme to the other without missing a beat. kids huh?

Balian of Asgard

how about a comfy chair and a table to leave lunch, dinner and snacks on.