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chasing the wind into the setting sun


Stratics Veteran
Wow... What a day yesterday was. I was looking for a really nice spot to place a new house. While during my travels; I ran into another player. I said hello and was immediately attacked. I of course ran and left that player in my pixelated dust. I felt bad that he couldnt keep up, so i stopped and let him catch up and I *allowed* the player to kill me. I stood by and waited to be ressed; which did not come. The player then told me too not come to fel, and that i should not have talked about the guild. I asked which guild it was, and what i did. No explanation or reason was communicated. So i surmised that it was a case of mistaken identity. I asked a few times about what i did...
I asked because i wanted to resolve the issue. I asked because i wanted to apologize to whoever i upset. Instead i get told to shutup and not to cause drama. Huh?

So it is because of these factors I am leaving baja. Of course i am doing so with great regret. There are so many great people here. I of course am somewhat saddened, that I didnt get too know Warder Dragon, SisterFrances, Wildstar, and lindae, If your name is not listed, Im sorry, and consider it listed. After my huge loss a few weeks ago, I went on an extreme power-farming binge. So i didnt really focus upon what i wanted to do on baja. But i raised quite a sum during this time. Over 200 million in gold. I am taking it all with me. I feel really excited though about meeting new people on my destination shard. But perhaps maybe someday i will return to baja. But for now I am really soured by the extreme level of griefing that goes on in baja. As i said: I wanted to resolve the issue and desired too apologize if I upset or insulted anyone. But, now after the behavior i experienced yesterday, I feel I dont have too.
But i would like to address the player who i allowed to kill my character. You told me too stay out of fel. I realize that killing a peace/tamer is probably the hilight of your pvp career; But, as many know I play seige perilous, I let you pk me. I was what 2 or 3 screens away from you in just a few seconds. It took you about 5 minutes too kill a peace tamer. So too tell me to stay out of fel was absurd. I offer you to come to siege as my guest. I will set you up with whatever you need. So when you get A temp scrolled up, we can duel. It is there that you will see how to really pvp. So next time before you give someone a suggestion about where to go and play. At Least know who you are talking too. It helps you alot with not looking like a clown...

Dar, really gonna miss you. You are such a great and wonderful person. It is 2 bad that more of us cant be like you. You are a big reason as 2 why i stayed so long on baja.

SuperKen, wished i would have met you in game. You left me perplexed quite a few times. Some of your replies left me with huh? what he is talking about. You seem to have some discernment in knowing the difference of wisdom and knowledge.

YouTube - ‪Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia‬‏

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its unfortunate that anyone feels the need to leave Baja under those circumstances, but, Silm you must do what is best for you, and only you can be the judge of that.

Having said that, I witnessed the "event" and despite being in the same alliance as this neanderthal, err player, I did call him out publicly. Not for the killing (this was Fel) but for the needless insults and trash talking after the fact.

I do truly believe, however, that this was an individual act, and not characteristic of either guild or alliance. To the best of my knowledge this alliance does not make a habit of killing and trash talking non-enemy guilds


Stratics Veteran

It is unfortunate and sad that my first post is for someone saying goodbye due to the insensitive and childish actions of an 'unamed' other.

You would leave our fair Baja due to this? The players that would just kill others for sport, and not even res or talk to you are not part of the soul of Baja. If anything they are the SOLE of Baja and deserve to be ignored at best.

Truly I am sad to see you leave, so please don't. We both know that this person is not what Baja really is, so why let them cause you to do something else? Consider staying. We will all be better for it if you do.

:heart: With warm regards, :heart:
Sister Frances

Ancient Sosarian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Sosarians,

I support everyone's right to make choices. If you truly depart Baja, twill be our loss and others Gain!

I have walked every so called facet and shard of the Gem of Immortality. All are unique with many enduring as well as frustrating qualities and citizens. Baja has however long held special attraction to me.

Populations ebb and flow as our Journey continues. Silmwaren of the House of Surion is welcome to remain upon Baja. Yet if his path, for a time takes him elsewhere, let him go with our Blessings and Best Wishes.

May all learn valuable lessons from this unfortunate tale. Whether Paladin, Rogue, or Murderer, we all have it within us to be civil to one another, even, nay especially in Honorable combat. Embrace the Virtues, study and learn them, and they will Brighten all of our Paths and Journeys.

For those filled and consumed only with evil, may ALL of our People come to know those, and make their existence so unbearable, they go elsewhere!!!

An SoS



There is no love lost between us, EcZ and you...

[OOC] But not having you around would be a great loss for the people of Baja and I feel for you also. Reconsider your decision and let us know who was so rude to you, there is no reason to hide that person from the world. They are the epitomy of the reasons why Fel/Tram were created in the first place, it would be nice to know who it was! [/OOC]

but to leave this land for another while there is so much yet to do and see, so many alliances and friendships to make - and so many enemies to crush, seems to be reaction to one situation rather than a thought through decision. You have much to do. And the citizens of our fair land are there to do this with you, well most of us anyway :stir:

I hope to see you around the lands (Baja) in the near future, but if not, our good wishes for a safe and swift journey are with you.

Till next time we meet...
Aa' menle nauva calen ar'ta hwesta e' ale'quenle...

Elevere Zanthes
Queen, Elf Clan Zanthes


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I echo the comments made by the above in that this seems a strange reason to leave Baja.

I think the reason we feel this way is that you have become part of the family here on Baja and we'd hate to see you go for any reason.

I too regret not being able to meet you in game, but if you decide to stick around or come back to Baja, be sure to look me up. Who knows, maybe I'll actually be around at that time.

Oh, and the difference between knowledge and wisdom is the amount of syrup used. Google it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its unfortunate that anyone feels the need to leave Baja under those circumstances, but, Silm you must do what is best for you, and only you can be the judge of that.

Having said that, I witnessed the "event" and despite being in the same alliance as this neanderthal, err player, I did call him out publicly. Not for the killing (this was Fel) but for the needless insults and trash talking after the fact.

I do truly believe, however, that this was an individual act, and not characteristic of either guild or alliance. To the best of my knowledge this alliance does not make a habit of killing and trash talking non-enemy guilds

gee I wonder which guild this could have been ... S ee th I ngs like this validate errr nm.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Silmwaren please do not let 1 child run you from Baja. Sure we have our children but by far we are one of the most mature shards going. To the Guild that this child belongs to, please, we can not afford to lose yet another player from our fair shard. Maybe a peace needs to be called between Silmwaren and your Guild so some healing may be done. Yes it is Fel but maybe you need to teach your children some respect. We do not need childish acts spoiling our shard.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Our guilds are so mature they get their taxes done on time.