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Changing tokuno minors >TOKUNO PIGMENT MAJOR

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Changing now Tokuno minor is having very poor major artys.
There are some quite good but i can't change 500 minor artys for 50 major that the most of them are usefully. I have not a vendor and i'll have not a vendor in the future. ( i'll been playing far from 7 yesars)
You have to make an event not because a players who can sell items. You have to make an event bercause it's interesting :)
But events can't be made for vendors, isn't it?
I think that all players that has taken part in this event has more and more minor artys.
Mempo and some tokuno dyes were very good but now?
I have many artys to change. But for what items??
Devs, please, add some more items to chamge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guess what? I DONT HAVE A VENDOR EITHER. Guess what? I ASK A LOT FROM THE DEVS AS WELL. Guess what? You're **** out of luck.

EDIT: Forgot exclamation marks.!!!!!!!! !!!!


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
Yeah... Ivory. The majors are kind of old. Most have all the majors they need. Even on Siege.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I feel Ivory is passionate about the game. Her grasp of English is pretty damn good. Better than some US residents...

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alezi, i hate you (without exclamation marks).
But you are so young!!
I pardon you :)


Zodia, you are jokjing me?
It's real, or in spite of your words, you are joking me?
Uff.... i'd like to know english much more well then i know now :(
No, no joking. I like to read your posts. They are passionate as Kelmo said, and you have a good point about the Tokuno Majors.
But is it wrong that I find them entertaining as well?


Do all events have to be geared toward high-end, wealthy, uber-experienced and uber-equipped players?

I mean, if you're gonna say everyone already has the majors, what everyone are you talking about? If you're gonna say the majors (and minors) aren't so great, is that empirical, or only relative to what you yourself have at your disposal?

Because I never had any of these arties until this event, and I imagine alot of new and part-time players don't have them either. ANd while alot of people may turn their noses up at the ToT arties, there are PLENTY of casual players who are too poor to buy the best equipment and too busy in rl to spend days on end farming the best like others can.

I understand this may be frustrating to the uber-players that the ToT arties werent the best in history. But you KNEW what they were before you spent all that time hunting; why didn't you go hunt something that would give better rewards?

One of the greatest failings in UO is that you're either new or uber; new players have plenty to do, and uber players can do anything they want. But if you're in the middle, there's nothing to do but hundreds of hours of endless tedious farming on low level monsters that give jack for occasional rewards, and these only if you're hunting the right ones with the right armor.

SO let's not rag on the devs for putting out an event that was within the abilities of all us part-timers and gave rewards that we'd find helpful in trying to dig out of the middle. You may not be impressed by the arties, but that Horselord is going to go a long way for me.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I am aware that many "new" players and even many returning "Vets" don't or didn't have all the ToT they needed/wanted desired..... what Ivory and I were torked about or upset about is the fact that the other ToT had DYES....

Sure we got dyes this time too..... but 1 freaking charge..... Let me roll you back sayler04...... ToT 1..... there were I believe 8 pigments..... MAJOR arties..... the "minor" was a bleach that had 10 charges..... count them 10..... and the Major? 50 That's right 50 charges!

Move forward to ToT II.... they take away the first major dyes and give us very UGLY minors..... now these UGLY minors aren't much different from regular metal colors, iron, grays, darker almost shadow grays, some ugly agapite like colors.... and that's pretty much it..... a few copperish ones.... but nothing WOW.... nice..... and the minors..... 1 charge..... only one... but you could turn 10 things in and get a bottle of dye..... with... *gasps* 10 whole charges..... wait.... is that right I turn in 10 hard earned minors and I get one little bottle with only 10 charges..... well I suppose that's fine... junk in one bottle out... not a bad trade off if you already have all the majors you could possibly ever use..... and mind you this is coming from someone with well over 40 characters... so trust me when i say more than you could possibly ever use....

Now we come to ToT III..... and what do we get..... dyes with ONE change only..... and nothing new to turn our minor in for.... so now I have three boxs stuffed full of minors..... what do I do with them... sort out the crap... and keep what's left.... fill in a few more of the urns and swords I didn't have from the last 2 times.... tuck away a few more flutes cause you know.... sometimes even with renewal since they don't give a "warning" of anykind before hand they do on occasion "break"... so it's always good to have a few "spares" around just in case..... keep the box full of dyes cause hey they are nice..... but now I'm a bit angry that they took away the one thing I could turn all that other junk in for.... Now I'm left with a chest overflowing with odds and ends I don't know what to do with...

And like Ivory.... I've never ever owned a vendor.... and after 9 years of playing I really doubt I'm gonna start now..... really.... I'm not into running a vendor.... not my playstyle.

I suppose I'll throw them somewhere into storage and when I need to grab 10 things out of the box and turn them in the next time I ruin or lose a rune beetles or something but for the most part they will sit in a chest and get pixelated cobwebs and dust..... if that's possible. And I'll still be irritated that I didn't get something cool to turn them in for. Like a nice bottle of 50 charged dye... And then..... if I really want to be angry as heck... I can look a the other post and see that if I were in Japan and buying crap online from their online store I could get a FREE yes you heard me FREE bottle of the 50 charge good dye....... but yet here in the states I can't even turn in my 10 pieces of excess stuff to get one.... so yes it is a bit irritating... to say the least.

And you can bet I've ranted about this before and it's surely not going to be the last time I do either. Can't see why we couldn't
a) get the Mempo as a MAJOR reward..... or
b) turn in the minors for some good freaking dye with 50 stinking charges.

Arnie QuickPalm

post in your native language from now on !!!! thats italian no ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i do think the mempo should have been a new major reward :(
i got jipped on this one as did alot of other people..

100s of minors, no mempo..

Muu Bin

Having the mempo as a major reward would have been the death-knell of this new item. While I couldn't give a crap as to their worth in gold for re-sale purposes, I do see their inherent value to a lot of people. So if it became a "major item for turning in 10 minors"; it wouldn't be that special would it?

That being said, they still could have made the mempos attainable in lots of different ways. I mentioned it in another post weeks back; but one way could have been to make them as a reward for turning in one of EVERY minor. Now if they wanted to be mean about it, they could require that every type of sword, urn, and flute of renewal be turned in. That would put it at close to 100 items to turn in and would take ridiculous amounts of time to do - but still attainable.

Anyhow... making them a major reward for turning in 10 minors would be pointless. They should have come up with a better solution though. And for the record, I didn't get a mempo. :wall:

Vincia Eaglehorn

sayler has well spoken

but the only thing i would like to see is

make dyes stackable


let us turn in 10 pigments for a 10 charge pigment

that would be nice

OR if EA want to melk the cash cow ... give out an additional storage token


I'd like to turn minors into dyes with 50 uses. The colors are great BTW, no stupid neon, just metal colors. Thank you for that!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's just funny that you're complaining about very miniscule things instead of just.. playing and enjoying the game :).

Arnie QuickPalm

I'd like to turn minors into dyes with 50 uses. The colors are great BTW, no stupid neon, just metal colors. Thank you for that!
even a one for one deal would rock then i could trade all the colors i dont want for ones i do !!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since we are going to be getting imbuing... and you just made heartwood kits easier to obtain (there were at least 20 of them showed on varous vendors with price tag dropping straight from 13m to 10m now why dont you make more Major Arties?

There are still plenty of Japanese weapons that's not in artifact form.
It will be nice to have a 1 handed mage weapon -20 no negative for the ones couldnt afford to spent 100+m to buy just just to learn to PvP.
Or a double edged staff with mods decent enough to use.
A new Jingasa helmet.
A new pair of arms (arty arms are seriously lacking). I think the only arty arms in game is the ToT minor.
An alternative of Ornament?
An alternative of Inquisitors?
10 Charge Dyes?
Dye Stacking Tools?
Heck even some decor/containers...
These 7 year old major minus dyes arent very ideal.

EVERYONE will have perfect EVERYTHING with imbuing so to release a bit of fresh pixel cracks wont do any bad. Thanks.