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Chance to provoke lich lords/rotting corpses onto a discorded dark father?



I'll be using iolos lute with demon/undead slaying on it, 120 skill in music, discord and provoke, if I have discorded the dark father doesn't that increase my chance of provoking stuff onto him? Does anyone know what % chance I have to provoke a lich lord or rotting corpse onto him with the correct slayer, and assuming the dark father is discorded with 120 discord.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think its around 65% keep in mind the effects from discord are halved on creatures with 160 bard difficulty like the DF
Did you try the calculator located here
Barding Calc


Effects are halved? So how much will the DF stats be reduced by my 120 discord? What will his resists drop to if he normally has 30% to each?


According to the calculator I get 63% chance to provoke, but the calculator doesn't give the calculation if the dark father is discorded, I thought if he is discorded then provoking something onto him will be easier? Therefore more than 63% chance?

It also doesn't include the double undead/demon slayer iolos lute, If I have both undead and demon slayer on my instrument and I provoke an undead onto a demon, surely I get the bonus twice for an increased provoke chance over a usual one slayer instrument? What I noticed is I get a 20 bonus to provoke with the dark father when provoking an undead onto him using a demon slayer, but only a 10 bonus to the undead (like a lich lord) the calculator isn't including that I have undead slayer on my instrument also.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Effects: As of Age of Shadows, Discordance no longer reduces a creature’s stats: strength, dexterity, intelligence, hit points, stamina, and mana. However, Discordance reduces physical resistance, all elemental resistances, and skills by up to 20% at Grandmaster and 28% and Legendary. Swing rate, damage, and chance to evade are directly reduced; this is in addition to the skill reduction of anatomy, tactics, lumberjacking, weapon skill, wrestling, parry, etc. Discordance still lowers a creature’s base barding difficulty.
The effects of Discordance is halved on creatures with a barding difficulty of 160.
So if this is true and it drops the barding dificulty by 14%(half of 28) that leaves a barding dificulty of 137.6 after discorded now there is a calculator out there im trying to find again that you can put in the barding dificulty instead of the creature either way very good question I would like to know the answer myself if I can find the other calc ill post it here for you but I have now given myself a headache trying to figure it out


I think i've worked this one out... I reserve the right to be wrong however.

When provoking a rotting corpse onto a discorded dark father using a Iolos lute, my calculation is as follows

Dark Father
Base Difficulty = 160
After disco (-14%) = 137.6
after Bards bonuses (slayer bonus -10, music 120 bonus -10, provoke bonus -5) = 112.6

Rotting corpse
Base difficulty = 128.8
after bards bonuses (same as above) = 103.8

Add the two together and divide by two and you get barding difficulty of 108.2 for the provoke attempt.

therefore giving a % success chance on 120 provo of 73.6%

imported_Mark Trail

The bard difficulty comes from a complex formula involving a creature's stats and skills. Discord only reduces the skills. For example, when I discord Swoop it typically goes from 145 bard difficulty down to 141 (numbers approximate.) My discord skill is around 109, music 120. Same for ogre lords, something like a 5% barding difficulty reduction.

When you discord a dark father, his resists and skills go down and the stats are unaffected. I would like data from a tamer: Exactly what is the DF's barding difficulty after discord? Does it go down 14%, or less than that because only the skills have been discorded?


I'll see if i can post some #'s tonite when i get home from work. In the mean time, Im pretty sure there was a discussion, maybe on FoF, sometime ago that laid out the inputs to the formula. The bottom line was this, if the mob has enough skills and fixed stats after disco (even at legendary), its possible that its barding diff is STILL 160.

The 14% isnt a 14% cut on the bard diff, its a 14% cut on the skills and resistances. If those numbers are still really high because they have +100 skills still, its possible that the barding diff doesnt go down much at all or any. Remember that stats are unchanged, so those inputs remain constant in the formula.