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[Fishing] Catching Legendary Fish


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure what I am doing wrong, but I am having problems catching Legendary Fish. I have 120 Fishing and I am using the Big Fish Chart for suggestions.

For example, when I am in Destard trying to catch an Abyssal Dragonfish, I keep getting a Summer Dragonfish. I am fishing for it in the pool right in front of and near the Anhk. Also, I have tried to use Summer Dragonfish Bait to see if there is a greater chance. Over and over I have tried and with NO Success. What am I doing wrong? Fishing in the wrong spot? Don't fish with bait? Cast bless on myself and turn around three times while chanting "Om Om Om"? Will that help? :gee:

Also, same goes for the Black and Blue Marlins. I seem to only get Barracudas?

I haven't even tried the Crustaceans yet...


I only recall one report of Abyssal Dragonfish being caught. I'm not sure if we have the right location on it.

Ertai Vodalion

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it´s a pain to catch the legendary ones ... (especially without bait)

for example i only fished up 1 Blue Marlin without Bait (and another 5 with roughly 130 bait charges). but the one caught without bait was in 6 months of fishing ...

i had more luck with the giant samurai fish (caught 2 without bait).

But no Zombie fish for example - and i do all my shore fishing at the gravewater lake.


I had a good nightout yesterday - caught 2 Blue Lobster in Ice with 40 bai charges - 1 of them 63 stones heavy *YAY*.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are doing nothing wrong except having a run of bad luck..

I have been fishing for many of the rare fish and spent many many hours for particular fish. Some fish I have logged in over 30 hours fishing for them before I have caught that one rare fish.

The fish you are referring too is the only rare fish I have NOT caught.. I currently have logged in 41 hours fishing for this fish. I have used baits (aprrox. 200) for this fish and still no catch. I have also went through over 9000 summer dragonfish baits and still no Abysall Dragonfish...

Only advice is to keep fishing.. and stick to the one rare fish till you catch it, then move on.. It also seems that after you catch the rare fish, you will catch them again within a few hours. Most fish that I have wnet back to catching I have caught them a second, third, etc farly quickly.

And if you think catching the rare fish is time consuming... wait till you start in on those rare crustacians!

I have another post on here with some of my results for various fish.

Good Luck!


I have in fact caught an abyssmal. It was caught in the little pool in the far back ne corner of destard. It is one of the few spots that is fairly free of dragons/drakes/wyverns. The problem is that you can only catch 15 fish there so it is a big pain in the **s. Not as hard a spot as some. On average, it is about 4-5k fish to one legendary fish. I have actually caught everything on the list except the void lobster which no one seems to know where it exists because it requires a lava trap and the correct location and no one seems to have gotten a level 6 book which discloses the correct location.